Lore — The Premise

The $LGND Begins

The Cryptory
2 min readDec 15, 2022


Photo by Paul Pastourmatzis on Unsplash

For centuries, the legend of the Secret was kept within ancient Yeti lore, passed down through the wisdom of the Sasquatch. But now, Humans are on the verge of discovering the Secret on their own.

Nothing will be the same again.

The Humans have historically been enslaved by rulers wielding their tyranny through centralized power. Now, they are finally taking their first steps towards freedom. As they share their knowledge and ideas across great distances, a dazzling aurora of light shimmers in the sky.

But Humans are unaware of this omen. They are unable to see the beauty and majesty of the light they are weaving together with their own eyes.

Photo by Serey Kim on Unsplash

The Cryptids, however, are well-aware of the Aurora of Freedom and all that it portends. The lines between legend and reality are starting to blur. The time will soon come for lost places and tales to resurface from the winds of history into the world of today. This includes the Cryptids’ own realm.

Some are determined to hide the Secret, to prevent the world from changing and hold firm the status quo. Some are Cryptids who believe the Humans to be lesser creatures, better off trapped in their world of ignorance and fear. Others are Humans who seek to twist the Secret and use it to secure their control.

Photo by John Salvino on Unsplash

Travel this strange, blended world. Explore fantastical vistas. Meet Legendary creatures. Collect ancient treasures and lost wisdom. Unravel the knot that has bound the world for aeons. Learn the hidden Secret.

Will you unlock the future of Humanity and Cryptids both, or will the world go dark under the oppressive shadow of centralized control?

Legendao is an independent project under SCRT Labs auspices.

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The Cryptory

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