Lore — Mahukwa — The Sasquatch

Those Who Tell The Tale

The Cryptory
3 min readDec 21, 2022


Photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash

Mahukwa leapt up and grabbed the thick branches of the Elder Oak with his powerful hands. He pulled himself up, launching to the highest boughs of the tree. His brown fur whipped around him at the force of his jump. He braced himself right before colliding with the peak of the Oak. It creaked in protest below him.

He stared up. His eyes shone in reflection of the wondrous light on which he gazed.

Photo by Vincent Guth on Unsplash

A river of stars rushed above him, coursing through the summer sky.

It was true. The Human-Light was real! Their spirits soared, singing in harmony. The humans had found the path.

“The humans found the path!” Mahukwa shouted, as he jumped down the tree. “The humans found the path!”

He howled his message as he dashed back to his tribe. Huge feet, normally so careful and quiet, thundered through the forest. Who cares if the humans found him now? They had discovered the Secret!

“The humans have found the-!”

His voice was suddenly cut short, as he looked into the stern gaze of the Crone. Her milky white eyes seemed to stare through him, the opaque orbs like two eerie moons.

The Crone stooped low, her ancient form bent like a gnarled root. Her long fur draped around her like the branches of a willow as she stumbled forward.

“The humans have not found any such thing,” she said, her voice a soft rasp.

“But Crone, the lights in the sky! Their spirit song! If you could see-,” Mahukwa began.

He was cut short again as a branch rapped him sharply on the head.

“I can see more than you even without my eyes, young one,” she said, pearly eyes glowering at him. “And I have seen humans go down every path since they first rose up on two legs. They have walked themselves dizzy in circles to wander down dead-end roads and double back again more times than I can count. The hairless ones are creatures of hubris and arrogance, matched only by their ignorance and greed.”

Photo by Robert Murray on Unsplash

Mahukwa rubbed his head with his paw, wincing. He looked up through the thick canopy of leaves at the distant glow of the Human-Light. His people had remained hidden for as long as he could remember, away from the sights of the humans. But this… this time was different. He could feel it.

This time, they would learn the Secret.

Legendao is an independent project under SCRT Labs auspices.

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The Cryptory

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