What Is Your Quest?

How To Submit A Quest and Earn 10 $SCRT

The Cryptory
5 min readMar 6, 2023


We’re happy to announce we’ve opened quest submissions for the Legendao community for all areas of our gamified NFT collecting and DeFi staking platform — the Legendao Universe.

This is the workflow:

— one from three storylines is determined by the community via private voting in Discord

— the storyline chosen is written into lore

— the lore is approved and shared with the community

— throughout this process, the bot within Discord is opened for quest submissions

We want people to read the lore before they submit content so they know what’s going on. That way, no time is wasted and the quests are relevant to the lore. But the game is not concretely timebound to the lore, although it’s based on it.

Each content creator can earn 10 $SCRT if their quest is chosen for game integration.

We need a lot of quests so there is a lot of opportunity here for people creative enough to take it and skilled enough to fill in our templates according to specs.

But we’ll write all the quests for the first area of the game so you can have many samples of exactly what we’re looking for.

Want to make sure your quest makes the cut?

Read the following very carefully.

Three Templates for Three Types of Quests

We have three templates for the three different types of quests that we need: challenge, riddle and combat.


Within the Legendao Universe gameplay a user can approach a challenge quest via three different options. Each option involves a specific stat:

Strength (STR)
Dexterity (DEX)
Wisdom (WIS)

There will be a cooldown mechanic in play that prevents the user from using the same stat to beat quests all the time.

That’s why we’re looking for quests that pose interesting challenges for all stat types.

Let’s break down each field in this template — they will be relevant for other templates as well.

Name/Title: What do you want to call your event?


Text: Write a short introduction to the quest — you have 240 characters to write something awesome.



The button options are the same for all three stats within the Challenge!

Button text: what is the action the user will take?
Win text: what happens when the user wins?
Lose text: what happens when the user loses?
Lose consequence: how much HP does the user lose if the challenge is failed? You have three options: low, medium or high.







Notice that each option for each stat is relevant to that stat. For example, strength is to fight. Duh. Dexterity is speed (amongst other things like climbing and lock-picking), so running away is a valid response using that stat. And you need some wisdom to know that bunnies really love bananas.


What area does your quest take place in? If it’s tied to a specific area, here’s the place to fill in the number. If it’s a random quest, leave the field blank.


Don’t worry about POI (point of interaction) yet — those will be clarified as you see them in action within the game.


You can also add comments to the team, but please keep them relevant, unlike the comment here:


$SCRT Address

It’s very important that you provide us with your correct $SCRT address to receive rewards. We will not honor any rewards requests if you do not submit your $SCRT address with your quest.

$SCRT address field

Got everything done? To make sure, click the

Check Button
Riddle quest submitted without needed information — note the little caution sign

You’ll have to scroll back up to the button options in order to fill in something that you missed.

If you see no warning sign, you’re good to go. Please submit your quest!

If you do not submit your quest, the values you’ve entered will stay in the bot until you submit the quest or overwrite the values with new ones.


Name/Title and Text are the same fields as specified above for the Challenge quest. But Combat is a little different.


Victory/Defeat Message:

Victory/Defeat Message

The rest of the options are the same as noted in the Challenge quest.


Name/Title and Text are the same fields as specified above for the Challenge and Combat quests.


Then you have the Question/Answers field. Write a question, its correct answer and three incorrect answers you think people might answer with.

Question/Answers field

Win/Defeat Message: Just like in the Combat quest, you’ll need to fill in a win/defeat message that tells what happens when the user solves or does not solve the riddle.

Win/Defeat Message

The rest of the fields are the same as all other quest types.

To check the status of your quests, go to the #bot-commands channel and type in /checkquests.

Such great advice, we give it twice: $SCRT Address

It’s very important that you provide us with your correct $SCRT address to receive rewards. We will not honor any rewards requests if you do not submit your $SCRT address with your quest.

Looking forward to seeing what you guys are going to come up with!!!

Legendao is an independent project under SCRT Labs auspices.

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The Cryptory

Web3 | Crypto | Copywriter | Builder | Content Creator | Sh*tposter | NFT Artist | Metalhead | Kuinoichi | Bear Jew Momma