Legendary Builds Changelog 3.3.1

Jonas Krispin
Legendary Builds
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2018

A lot of internal work went into this minor release, for example migration to Angular 6 and Ahead of time compilation. This leads to faster rendering times and some RAM improvements (still work to do on that part though).

It should be less confusing now when adding builds as favorites, and the loading-screen view finally is navigatable by mouse instead of having to use the hotkey.

As Always, let us know if you got feedback or problems with the release in the responses, Reddit, Discord or Twitter.


builds-overview: add clearer indication of added favorites
Adding a build as favorite might be perceived as confusing, because of the missing indication of changes within the list. Added a fade animation to the row that is being added, before it jumps to the top of the list. This should give a clearer sense of what is going on.

  • only applies to competitive builds section
  • fade animation playing when view is loaded / changed to draw focus to favorites
  • when adding a favorite, fade indicates a change + newly added favorite will be pinned to expand
  • when removing favorite, it will be unpinned and unmarked if applicable, to collapse it


Opponent select dropdown: make sure it updates in-game

Regression: make sure App Tutorial last step shows correctly
Since angular 6 update the ui-router TransitionPromise is resolved before the component within the target state is rendered. To fix this, the beforeShowPromise resolution is moved to the end of the scheduler queue.

Regression: prevent initializing ad unit in background on Start Window
Because the usage of the Hotkey restores the Main Window (Start), the restore event is triggered before the window is again forced to minimized through code. To prevent falsy initialisation of the ow-ad-sdk we now check if the window is hidden (visibility), since the Start/Status window will have this set whenever it should not be shown, regardless of the short restore (initially a workaround for the action-type: “toggle” change of the hotkey)


loading-screen: clickable continuation
To make it more intuitive to open up the builds overview while waiting in loading screen, more possibilities to continue were added

The Builds Overview will now open when

  • A matchup was selected
  • The “Or click here” link was clicked



Jonas Krispin
Legendary Builds

Javascript Developer (Angular, Vue, Node), Cat-person, aspiring digital nomad