I’m Missing the War

Legendary Tales
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2018

Some reflections on Secret World PvP

In TSW I was a casual PvP Player. Never distinguished on the leader board, just your average cannon fodder material. But I had fun. I loved Eldorado and the tense fights over the relic control. Stonehenge was quick and chock full death and destruction that was awesome. Fusang was awesome if you were part of a team, but frustrating if you tried to solo it. Shambhala was a nice quick fix while waiting for other other content to start up.

With SWL the old factional conflict zones are dormant and only Shambhala remains, but participation is nearly nil. I find this sad because I miss the fun. I miss the way players in each faction bonded together.

I love Secret World Legends, the new game play, the new content… but I’m missing the war.

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