Boots on the Ground #2

Margaret Bates
Legendary Women
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2016

This is Not a Drill — Dr. Jill Stein Asking for Recount in Key Swing States

Today, former Secretary of State and Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton surpassed over two million more votes in the popular voting than Donald Trump. There has been much made over the Russian interference in the election. Some of the information supplied to Wikileaks was alleged to have been supplied by Russian hackers attacking aide Podesta’s emails, among other sources. In the last few days, the NSA has said that it worried Russia tampered with our results, and it was a major worry before the actual election day that Russia would physically be able to manipulate the machines. Now, some computer experts have been looking over the pattern in the voting and are urging the Clinton campaign to demand a recount in the swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Secretary Clinton hasn’t publicly commented on the request. However, Green Party candidate Jill Stein has made a surprising move.

Today, she and the Green Party set up a fundraiser to help raise the 2.5 million dollars in fees that it would cost to have a recount in PA, MI, and WI, due to the irregular voting patterns in those swing states. According to her site:

The Stein/Baraka Green Party Campaign is launching an effort to ensure the integrity of our elections. With your help, we are raising money to demand recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania — three states where the data suggests a significant need to verify machine-counted vote totals.

This effort to ensure election integrity is in your hands! We need to raise over $2 million by this Friday, 4pm central. In true grassroots fashion, we’re turning to you, the people, and not big-money corporate donors to make this happen.

Currently, their efforts have raised closed to 950,000 dollars, but they have a long way to reach their goal before Friday afternoon! Both ABC News and The Boston Globe have been reporting already on Stein’s efforts. It might be a long shot, but it’s worth investigating if only to ensure that Russia didn’t have more responsibility in the previous election than was already suspected. After all, Russia has reason to benefit from the new change in regime and the current president-elect in office, from Michael Flynn being the new proposed head of national security as well as some of Donald Trump, Jr.’s unusual moves in having talks about what to do in Syria with Russian supporters earlier this week.

It’s been hard to ferret out how much influence Russia has held over the 2016 election, and, as a candidate, Jill Stein has every right to insist on a recount and to ensure that our democracy has remained secure. After all, the machines used in WI and PA were both antiquated models at the least and susceptible to hacks. If it’s still true that president-elect Trump won the Electoral College after a recount, then at least we know for sure and know which steps to proceed to determine if an Electoral College is still even needed when it is so divergent from the popular vote.

However, right now, for truth, justice and the American way. Please go here and help Dr. Stein and her recount efforts out.

Images used come from Wikimedia Commons.

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Margaret Bates
Legendary Women

Co-Founder and Treasurer for . Also a developmental editor, ghostwriter, and writing coach.