Interview with the “Cosplay Group of Awesome” at Awesome Con 2014

Awesome Con 2014 Coverage

Legendary Women


Our final recap of the convention comes via an interview with some of the women of the Cosplay Group of Awesome from Northern Virginia. They and their guy counterparts blew us away with some amazing cosplaying, and we interviewed the women of the group about cosplay, which women in science fiction they admire, and why dress up like the Justice League from DC Comics.

The full groupwith Batman, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, The Green Lantern, Huntress, Black Canary, and Green Arrow.

Diana: Hi, I’m Diana and I am Wonder Woman. [Yes, that really is her actual name.]

Cara: I’m Cara, and I’m Hawkgirl.

Sadie: I’m Sadie, and I’m Black Canary.

Malena: I’m Malena, and I am Huntress.

LW: So you all are from The Cosplay Group of Awesome.

All: Yes.

LW: Are you all local to Maryland?

Sadie: Northern Virginia.

LW: Close enough. I’m on the Maryland side of DC so I think the other way. So you guys are dressed up as an amazing representation of the Justice League with Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Black Canary, and Huntress. So why these women? What do they say to you guys?

Cara: Well they’re all very strong women, and I think that an important part of The Justice League is that they’re working together and not being competitive with each other. You know because a lot of time in our society, women are put against each other for just things all the time, different competitions and stuff. I think it’s important that there are strong female role models that are strong by themselves but also as a group.

LW: Okay, so are there are other heroines or women from sci-fi that you also enjoy and would like to cosplay as in the future?

Sadie: Yesterday we cosplayed as Firefly.

The actresses from Firefly. Left to right = Jewel Staite, Summer Glau, Morena Baccarin, and Gina Torres

LW: Who was whom?

All: We had a group of Inara, Kaylee, and River, but Diana wasn’t here so just three.

Cara: And I think those are some other women who are strong, independent people. Like Inara and Kaylee represent beauty, which is traditionally feminine, yet at the same time it doesn’t detract from their power as women.

Sadie: And you were probably gonna say this but Kaylee’s intelligence.

Cara: Yes, Kaylee’s intelligence, and she’s a mechanic, which is traditionally like a male role. I think it’s really cool that they have a woman doing that.

Cosplaying Inara and Kaylee from Firefly at AwesomeCon 2014.

LW: And who would you like to cosplay as in the future? Any ideas for women role models?

Malena: There are so many options. We just finished these ones [Justice League] this morning.

LW: You just finished them this morning because they look fantastic.

All: Yup.

LW: Is there anything, any information you might want to give Legendary Women readers about your group or your site or joining in cosplay?

Cara: If you want to cosplay and go to cons then you should just do it. A lot of women in comics have a certain figure, and I think it’s important to love your body and to do whatever. Even if you don’t have the perfect body, everyone has their insecurities. I think it’s nice to be able to dress up no matter what.

Sadie: Cosplay is not about looking like a certain character. It’s about empowering what they stand for.

Malena: Don’t be shy; everyone’s gonna love that you dressed up and came out here.

LW: Great, thanks!

Our cosplay heroines (from left to right): Diana, Cara, Sadie, and Malena.



Legendary Women

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