Mama’s Geeky…and oh so cool

Megan Hussey
Legendary Women
Published in
4 min readJul 29, 2019
Tessa Smith

“Yes, I think that showing my girls it is not only OK to be a woman — it is pretty amazing to be one. We can do anything and no one (NO ONE) should ever bring us down.”

Can a YouTube star be a shero? Well in the case of Tessa Smith, the answer is most definitely yes. The host of Mama’s Geeky, an active YT channel with more than 25,000 subscribers, Smith offers daily reviews and commentary with contagious enthusiasm and a strong sense of humor; and she is never afraid to promote and champion the theme of women’s empowerment, in her reviews and creative projects. Oh and speaking of those projects; while one day might find Smith interviewing the stars of a blockbuster superhero movie, the next might find her making She-Ra costumes for her daughters’ themed International Women’s Day party. Meet Tessa Smith!

1. First I must fangirl — you are awesome! To those who have yet to discover Mama’s Geeky, how would you describe your site and channel?

Mama’s Geeky is a place where I celebrate all things geeky. I focus mostly on entertainment — movie and television reviews, comic book suggestions, and things like that. I am a massive collector as well. Women can be geeks too, and I love expressing that through my social media channels (MamasGeeky on all platforms) and my site,!

2. You have interviewed some Hollywood luminaries, most recently Keanu Reeves, Tom Hanks, Annie Potts and Christina Hendricks. Who are some of your favorite interview subjects?

Hands down one of my most favorite interviews was Chris Evans — he is so funny! I laughed so hard I cried in that interview! I also loved chatting with most of the Guardians of the Galaxy — on the set of Volume 2! Those were unique interviews because I talked with them while they were in costume. So it was like I was discussing Marvel with Star-Lord, Drax, Yondu, Gamora, and Nebula! For a Marvel Geek, that was a dream come true! And I cannot forget Kevin Feige (the President of Marvel) because… we all know how brilliant he is!

3. One thing I really appreciate is your support of controversial female heroines. You loved Captain Marvel, and enjoyed the Catwoman trailer. Why is it important to you to champion strong heroines? And in terms of comics and superhero movies, who are your favorite heroines?

Also, you state on your site that it is personally important to you to encourage the concept of female empowerment among your daughters, and you recently celebrated International Women’s Day with a family She-Ra party! When I was a kid, I wore a Wonder Woman/Wonder Megan T-shirt and went as Princess Leia for Halloween. Who were some of the characters that inspired you as a kid?

Seriously, I am loving the new She-Ra show! But that is besides the point… Yes, I think that showing my girls it is not only OK to be a woman — it is pretty amazing to be one. We can do anything and no one (NO ONE) should ever bring us down. I have been reading Marvel comics for a very long time, and I always looked up to Catwoman, Rogue, and Emma Frost. The last one being a weird choice, I know. But that girl knows what she wants and will do just about anything to get it. I feel like little girls now have a wider range of selection when it comes to powerful women to look up to. And after speaking with Brie Larson and Zoe Saldana, I can honestly say I want to be like them when I grow up (haha).

5. Would you like at some point to write your own film or comic, or perhaps act? What are your plans for the future?

I dabbled in acting and modeling as a young girl, but just fell out of it. I used to work at a radio station and I loved doing voice commercial work here and there. I never expected to be doing what I do on YouTube, but I kind of love it. I think for me, ideally, I would be all about some voice over work or lowkey acting. I don’t think I have what it takes to do it all the time. I did write my own comic once but… well it won’t ever see the light of day, let’s just say that.

…well we for one would love to read a Mama’s Geeky comic. Check out this Legendary Woman at:!



Megan Hussey
Legendary Women

Megan Hussey is an author, journalist and feminist activist.