Sign of the Times: Why we need to fight like hell for Planned Parenthood

Megan Hussey
Legendary Women
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2017
Cecile Richards
Planned Parenthood Federation of America and
Planned Parenthood Action Fund — See more at:

Planned Parenthood is a globally respected health organization that, according to CNN.Com, performs 400,000 cervical cancer screenings and 500,000 breast exams per year; in addition to preventing numerous unwanted pregnancies with its sex education and birth control distribution programs.

Abortions comprise 3 percent of Planned Parenthood services. And by offering this safe and legal procedure, PP has been forced to withstand an ongoing personal and political assault that — with the election of Donald Trump — now threatens its stability and very existence.

Cecile Richards, President of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, wrote in a recent promotional letter…

“House Speaker Paul Ryan just revealed that he’s fast-tracking legislation to “defund” Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is under attack like never before. The federal government is now in the hands of extremist lawmakers, like Speaker Ryan who have tried for years to shut down Planned Parenthood health centers and cut patients off from care….Here’s why this moment is so critical: Vice President-elect Mike Pence and the anti-women’s health ideologues in charge of Congress are planning to use “reconciliation” to pass this bill. That means it just needs a simple majority to become law — no Senate filibusters allowed. If they get their way, the consequences would be devastating: 2.5 million patients a year could lose access to the health care they rely on, with people of color, those with low incomes, and folks in rural areas affected most.”

To make our voices heard about this vital issue, Richards suggests that we sign a petition posted at And by the way; this page contains instructions on how to call Ryan’s office and even supplies a suggested script for your call. I have my own ideas on what I would like to say, but will try to be polite and follow Ms. Richards’ script. I said I’d TRY.

Psychological manipulation seems to be another favorite tool of the anti-choice folk, as evidenced by a bill proposed by Sen. A.J. Griffin of Oklahoma.

As recently passed by the state legislature, the bill would have required “posting of (anti-choice) signs in public bathrooms at hospitals, nursing homes, restaurants and public schools advising pregnant women where to find services to avoid abortion.”

Under this original plan, affected businesses would be required to foot the bills for these signs, to the tune of $2.3 million.

After receiving some very understandable words of protest from these businesses, Griffin now has scaled back to ask that the signs only be posted in the bathrooms of abortion providers and the local Department of Health. Well wherever they choose to stick these signs (I have a few specific suggestions, if anyone asks), I have created a series of pro-choice signs that — if I had it my way — would be placed right alongside them.

To get serious for a moment here; I have a good friend who never got to know an aunt in his family, because she died in an illegal abortion. I also have friends who, much more recently, lost their 17-year-old daughter in a similar procedure.

Revolutionary feminist rocker Kathleen Hanna credits Planned Parenthood with saving the life of her mother, whose precancerous cells were discovered during a PP exam. Planned Parenthood also preserved the health of Hanna herself in the wake of a serious infection.

From one Riot Grrrl to a bunch of others: Please join me in supporting and fighting for Planned Parenthood.

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Megan Hussey
Legendary Women

Megan Hussey is an author, journalist and feminist activist.