Two Anti-Trump Protests Scheduled in Annapolis, MD

Margaret Bates
Legendary Women
Published in
6 min readNov 14, 2016

I think Tuesday night scared, horrified and saddened many across this country. There have been protests in cities all over the nation and also internationally in cities like Toronto, Canada. However, even at the local level (Legendary Women is based out of Maryland), activists are working to make their voices heard. Below is an interview with Sarrie Collins about the Anti-Trump Protests scheduled in Annapolis, MD, both today and on Monday, November the 21st from 5–7 pm at the City Dock in downtown Annapolis. You can go here for more details.

Image used from Wikimedia Commons
  1. LW: Can you tell us a little about yourself?

SC: Well, my name is Sarrie Collins, I’m 20 years old, and I’ve been an activist since I was 17. I think that most people believe everyone should have control over their own life, but in many cases that is taken away — whether by political leaders, a corporation, a society, or anyone else. Over the last few years, it has become my mission to stand up for those who are put in a position where they have less power than those who oppose them obtaining their rights. I stand for human rights, environmental justice; and most predominantly throughout my volunteerism, animal rights. I’ve always been drawn more towards movements that; although significant, tend to get overlooked.

2. LW: How did you get involved in the protests?

SC: This movement (protests against Donald Trump getting elected as the new president of the U.S.) is probably the most popular, wide-spread movement I’ve been involved in up to this point. The reason that I’ve gotten involved in these protests is because I am astounded by the fact that someone so clearly sexist and bigoted could be voted — by so many people — into power over this entire country. While I don’t wish to disclose my political views because of the anger it tends to generate from some people, I will say that I was shocked when he won the election. Even though Hillary Clinton won by popular vote, Donald Trump still had so many supporters in the United States.

On the morning of November 9th, I woke up to this news. My initial feeling was disgust. While many supporters voted for Trump simply because they hated Hillary Clinton, what their votes truly supported were his vulgar comments about women — talking about us as if we are objects; and his anti-immigrant views, as if people immigrating from other nations are our biggest problem. I knew all along that either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton would get elected, but I didn’t expect to feel this repulsed by his election. I personally feel violated by his comments and verbal promotion of sexual assault — regardless of whether any allegations of him sexually assaulting woman are true or not. I am so disgusted that my first thought was “He is not my president. I can’t be in a country where someone like this has been put in charge.”

I still feel this way, but leaving the country would be the easy way out for me. What would change if most people who saw what is wrong with Trump’s ideals just left? The U.S. would keep going on that path, and the many recent hate crimes we have been hearing about would probably just become a bigger problem. No matter how much we want out, we need to help this country progress. No matter how long Donald Trump is in office, I will be opposed to him — at least the person we have all seen him to be — therefore, he will never be my president.

3. LW: What are your biggest concerns with a Donald Trump presidency?

SC: My biggest concerns with a Donald Trump presidency are as follows:

1) Hate crimes escalating towards women, people of color, and the LGBT community. Worse than that; hate crimes being more “acceptable” or “justifiable”.

2) Regression in progress we have made with women’s, immigrants’, LGBT, and other human rights issues.

3) Unjustifiably creating disputes with other countries that could end in violence or war.

4) Politicians changing what little environmental regulations we currently have, for the worst.

…and just generally, almost everything.

4. LW: What can activists do in addition to protesting to make our voices heard and to fight back?

SC: In addition to protesting, what we can do is make sure to do everything they can to keep anyone they know who may be at risk safe. We need to offer support to those who may be dealing with emotional trauma, with the horrible outlook of the election. I’ve seen a lot of protests and marches against Trump since the election. I think that’s really great, but we have to remember to keep it peaceful and not project anger towards other people whose minds we need to be changing, not closing off. The moment a protest turns into destruction of property or a physical fight is the moment that those people who think we need to “calm down and accept the new president” can validate their thoughts that we are just being extreme. We need to make sure people see what we are really fighting for.

5. LW: What can you tell us about what you’ve specifically planned for the Annapolis protests on the 14th and on the 21st?

SC: I had a strong urge to attend so many of the events that I’ve heard of since the election, but unfortunately I wasn’t available on any of those dates. So, I decided to put together my own event; which turned into two events: one on November 14th, and one on November 21st. Both will be from 5–7PM. I hope to organize more in the future. These events will be held in Annapolis, Maryland at the City Dock — exact meeting place to be determined November 14th. I hope to organize more in the future. Anyone is welcome to attend; and though signs are not necessary, they are encouraged! For more details, you can check out the Facebook event pages:

Monday, November 14th

Monday, November 21st

6. LW: Do you have other suggestions on how to fight back and offer support and/or resistance?

SC: Another way to protest would be something as simple as making and wearing a shirt that proclaims your disapproval of a Trump presidency. With many issues; people want to protest something, but don’t know what to do if there isn’t already one planned. If you aren’t close enough to any locations of protests, you can create your own event! It is your First Amendment right to practice freedom of speech on public property.

If you fear for your own safety, you don’t have to put yourself on the front line by protesting Trump, but you can think about other things to do. You can attend vigils for victims of hate crimes and even organize your own. Another thing you could do is make donations — not just of money, but items like clothes — to organizations that help people in groups that are negatively impacted by the problems arising from the election.

You can educate people you personally know; and most importantly, and don’t forget that you will have a chance vote for a better future in the next election (editor’s notethis applies as well to the 2018 midterm election).

The image used above was provided by Wikimedia Commons. We do not profit from its use and employ it under Fair Use.

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Margaret Bates
Legendary Women

Co-Founder and Treasurer for . Also a developmental editor, ghostwriter, and writing coach.