Madonna Uchehara
Published in
4 min read3 days ago

Following the jubilant launch of Livie’s V2-R2, the Onstack team of developers equally introduced the first ever multiplayer game on the Livie app, called.. 🥁🥁🥁 RUNNERS🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️!!!!


Like the name implies, the Runners game involves the act of sprinting with your avatar in an obstacle filled pathway. Being a multiplayer game, several other players/runners will also race alongside you, bringing the marathon to an end when the first 3 runners cross the finish line before the timer runs out🏃‍♂️⏳️There are 3 different racing arenas in the Runners game:

  1. Chaos
  2. Tumble
  3. Labyrinth

Once you signify interest in playing the game by tapping on the “Play now” tab, the system will commence finding available players to race with you. After that is done, it will then scan the map🗺 to seek available arenas you and other gamers can compete in.

Loading screen for Runners game


A player can earn from the Runners game through two means:

  • Emerging first, second, or third in a race will win you free tokens — with the first position getting more and the third getting the least amount of tokens.
  • By frequently playing the runners game, the system saves your progress and activity — whether you win or lose. This enables you to gain access into the top 10 leaderboard for the games category. All users in the top 10 category will get free tokens. It is imperative to note that the Top 10 leaderboard resets every week.


The first thing to note about this game is that it involves a lot of precision in terms of movement. To fully master the game, you must focus less on speed and more on how to stabilize, pause, or redirect the movement of your avatar👤. What this entails is that your first aim should be about how to become an expert in the game before playing with the intentions of winning.

Game play of Runners game
  • Move your avatar by holding a finger to your screen. Hold up👆 to make your avatar run forward. Hold down👇 to make your avatar run backwards. Left👈, to make your avatar run to the left. And right👉 to make your avatar run to the right.
  • To stop your avatar from running, take your fingers off the screen🚫
  • You will encounter some arrows on the floor as you run. Be certain to avoid the arrows pointing back⏬️, as they are designed to pull your avatar backwards. To accelerate your avatar’s speed, you should run on the arrows pointing up⏫️
  • When you come across a huge gap in the race track, you must step on the green inflated object to enable your avatar to jump higher🦵
  • Avoid any obstacle that would push your avatar out of the lane.
  • If your avatar falls over, you will automatically resume the race from the zone it fell. This will go on until the race timer elapses⏰️, or the three winners emerge🏆
  • On the race track, you will encounter some mystery boxes. These boxes are designed to either hinder your avatar’s movement if taken by other runners or improve your chances of winning if you take it before others do.
  • It’s GAME OVER if the timer on your screen runs out before you reach the finishing line or if 3 players complete the race before you do🛤🏁

Having read all the above, the game all of a sudden seems easier, right? 😁 Now, let’s head over to the app, and apply what we’ve learnt in real time.
May the best runner win👣🏆

Watch How To Play Runners On Our YouTube Page:

LIVIE is a social metaverse platform that offers interactive and virtual experiences, focusing on socializing, gaming, and user engagement for Gen Z.

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