Is your business ready with a new California Bill?

mansi kathuria
2 min readJul 23, 2020


The California consumer privacy act takes effect on 1 january 2020 , giving residents of California access to find out what a personal information a business is collecting about them , their devices and their family . Also protect their data and personal information online . This expansive act is designed to give consumers more control over their personal information and will reach beyond California’s borders.

If the business is not located in California but has its potential consumers in California so it still needs to strictly adhere to the norms of CCPA . The CCPA helps individuals to actively protect their personal information . The Consumer rights are –

1. Businesses must inform consumers of their intent to collect personal information.

2. Consumers have the right to know what personal information a company has collected, where the data came from, how it will be used, and with whom it’s shared.

3. Consumers have the right to prevent businesses from selling their personal information to third parties.

4. Consumers can request businesses to remove the personal information that the business has on them.

So if your company is involved in the business especially of software creation or distribution , here are the stratergies that can help your business –

1. Security Processes

When designing and creating software, efforts should be concentrated on incorporating security processes early enough and regularly where possible.A wide range of techniques can be used to do this. So many software developers are already ideating on this path through the insertion of security personnel once the process starts.

2. Balance between resources and data to be protected

With the growth in the code of software or with expansions in user bases, it is imperative that firms multiply every effort invested to ensure that their users are secured and that their privacy is protected. This means that your company needs to carry out and ensure the tracking of valuable resources as well as ensure timely software tests and security processes.So companies must ensure that there is a connection between the resources invested in security and privacy .

3. Use best security tools

Its important to secure the entire company network. Securing the company network can be done by conducting regular security awareness training for the employees and also by ensuring every employee is well-equipped with the best security tools. Therefore compamy needs to invest alot for the security of systems .

