Showing partners logo on the website? Are you authorized to do that?

mansi kathuria
2 min readJul 25, 2020


Yes it is authorized to show your partners logo on the website .logos are more readable and recognizable . Including your partner’s full name in addition to their logo is a nice touch if the layout or size of the logos makes them hard to read.

Publishing partners logo on website is an easy and effective way to build trust and credibility with potential new clients . To ensure a good delivery of their services or products, many companies rely on their trusted partners. Quite often a partner network becomes so complex and important for the company that it makes sense to call it an ecosystem. With hundreds of partners across the world, creating partner page on your website that is intuitive and user-friendly might become a real challenge.

But when designing a new website , founders should avoid exaggerating their partners list and there is a certainity that not all partners will want their logo to get featured in the website . The major risks relate to misleading or deceptive conduct, copyright and trade mark infringement.

Design a Partners page

A partners page presents an opportunity to build the credibility of your organization by featuring third party endorsements and the impact of working together to get to your goals.

1.)Displaying partners profile along with logo

The basic information must be grasped at first sight. It should include a brief one-paragraph description, logo, contacts, industry, specialization, etc. Also, mention awards, figures, certificates, say, everything that makes your partner special and worth choosing.

You can give each partners basic details and then provide a link to dedicate a new page to every partner for their full information . Also Link the logo to an appropriate place on their website. Not only is this a good practice for relationship building, but it can also factor into your link building efforts for search engine optimization if the partner reciprocates in a meaningful way.

2.)Defining their Relationship

Depending on the number of partners on your page, include a short description of their relationship and how they support the company or are involved in helping towards the mission. Another option is to group the partners by categories, like Event Sponsors, and briefly outline what their support means more generally.

3.)Get it organized

While having all of the above content would make for an engaging page you can make a list of logos that are linked to partner websites. create a nice grid or table that displays high-quality logos in uniform sizes and spacing with links to partner websites.

