Angana Sharma
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2020



To equalize. the moral abilities of gender is one of the most significant struggles in the world today, not just gender inequality but to perceive a certain gender as commodity and particularly to objectify them is taking a toll on mankind’s mental health on a massive scale, It also conditions the victim to believe that they’re less considered as a normal human being. Objectification was never limited to any gender. But ever since the manifestation of patriarchy in the social, legal, political, religious & economic spheres prevailed, womxn have been subjected to be treated predominantly in almost all aspects of the society and have been deprived of their basic rights too.

India comes under one of the top five dangerous countries for womxn in terms of healthcare, access to economic resources, customary practices, sexual violence, non sexual violence and human trafficking. A country with multi linguistics, multicultural, diversified features plus with a tremendous amount of population has never been a safe space for womxn. Chiefly if we delve into the historical background of the Indian Culture from where it all started, womxn have been a victim of oppression, sexual / domestic violence and also the traditional customs that intensified gender inequality more back then, for instance there was Sati Pratha although forbidden now but a widow had to sacrifice herself atop her deceased husband’s funeral pyre, often people preferred boy child over girl child in majorly most facets and the practice of female foeticide which had cultural connections with the dowry system was ingrained with the Indian culture. In India’s long history strong patriarchal influences were existent in all spheres of life.

Being constantly aimed at as being a part of a specific gender ever since prehistoric times , the structure of the society has been shaped as a male – dominated space where womxn are prevented from claiming what they actually deserve like education, basic liberty & are always asked to be disciplined in a certain way. Not only this, but they’re forced to marry at an early age which sometimes results in domestic violence & even marital rape. Child marriage is still carried on certain parts of the country. Generally, if we look at all the instances from a broader point of view, womxn as a gender feels fragile because toxic masculinity has overpowered and committed extensively towards the formation of gender inequality which is currently a major issue as a result a large number of male chauvinists have emerged in the country, who have and still believe in national superiority and glory of men over womxn.

To be able to live in a world where both the gender gets treated equally or to gain back normalcy let’s just say will require a proper sanitation of people’s mindset, with the help of education , only education can solve this problem, But indian education system is hesitant to confront these topic with as much seriousness as other topics.The fight to change the mindsets, must happen every day, and not be a show of tokenism one day in a year.

