What I’m Reading on Legible This Month, December 2020

Marci Rae Johnson
Legible Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2020

Fellow book nerds, I’m wondering: do all book-obsessed folk like to keep various lists about the books they’ve read and the books they want to read? I sure do! And the more lists the better! So I’m thinking it’d be fun to start off each month with a blog post about my reading plan for the month. Of course, I always end up diverging from my own plan, but it’s still fun to start off with one! I do read in all formats, Legible eBooks as well as print books and audiobooks, but in this post I’m going to focus just on Legible books.

One thing that intrigues me about Legible’s current beta test catalog is the presence of lesser-known books by classic, well-known authors. I was especially excited to find a short story by E.M. Forster called “The Machine Stops.” Described as “a prophetic story about social isolation and dependence on technology,” it sounds like the perfect story for our present situation! This one is number one on my list, and expect a Legible review of it soon.

Another book I’m eyeing is The Complete Book of Cheese, by Bob Brown. One of my winter hobbies, when working outside in my garden is no longer an option here in the Midwest, is looking through cooking magazines, cookbooks, and books about food, and finding new recipes I want to try. From paging through The Complete Book of Cheese, this one looks like fun because it not only contains descriptions of different types of cheeses, it also includes recipes and quirky stories — and even some poems and adorable illustrations. I have no doubt this book will warm my heart, and my belly, during the cold winter months.

I’m also looking forward to digging into An Altar in the Wilderness, by Legible’s CEO, Kaleeg Hainsworth. As an Orthodox priest with a literary background who spends a lot of time in the Canadian wilderness, Father Kaleeg is the perfect person to write this book, which discusses how humans experience the sacred in nature. Kaleeg “grounds this manifesto in the literary, philosophical, mystical and historical teachings of the spiritual masters of both East and West.” Since I have a literary and theological background myself, and I love nature passionately, this book sounds like something I will enjoy very much!

Are you already a beta reader for Legible? If so, comment here and let me know what you plan to read this month. If not, we still have room for a few more beta readers, and you can sign up here.

