Finding Value for Yourself and Your NFT project in a Bear Market

A Ron
Legion Library
Published in
8 min readJun 21, 2022

I know there’s a lot of people out there like myself that have witnessed charts tumble, nodes collapse or die, NFT projects rugged investors nearly daily, and getting caught in the crossfire of FUD from communities or projects themselves. These circumstances make it more difficult for investors to find value in themselves their wallets, in projects new and old, in quality art, or in people in the space. However, some investors and projects see an opportunity to change the trajectory we’ve experienced in recent months, and join, partner and grow a project in the space with overwhelming toxicity and negativity currently surrounding the landscape of DeFi altogether. So it begs the question, while struggling to survive a ‘crypto winter,’ why would I or any other investor want to get so heavily involved in a project, furthermore a newer protocol?

Stonez is on top of shit, that is for sure. The team as a whole is moving in exactly the right direction for this market.” — SolanaVerseArt

“Degen hypes are dying, large follower count before mint meta is dead, you gotta find builders now. I found Legion of Sol, these guys are building, organically. No launchpad, no influencers. Dope art too.” — 0xDirky | Meme Lord

When I seek out a new project or a collaboration, I research everything I can about them, to get an idea of the person I’m going to encounter. ‘Do your own research’ (DYOR) is a term usually accompanied by NFA (Not Financial Advice), to relinquish liability for any losses a viewer had following decision to try to emulate their trade or strategy. I’m reminded to DYOR on them. How do they interact with others? Who are the influencers that mention them or their project on Twitter? Are they paid promotion influencers? Previous projects? Any contracts or public wallets to track through the blockchain it’s on, Etherscan, Solscan, Snowtrace, Polygonscan, etc?

“I wanna give a big shout out to Legion of Sol. True leaders and businessmen. They are genuine and transparent. You will get one of the warmest welcomes when you join. And that shows in their community. Their art is fire.” — David Viltok

In doing so, I concluded that to be successful in this volatile environment, while facing or avoiding the many variables you must traverse, it breaks down to 3 major points:

  • Recognize and weigh the 3 major compromises all investors and projects must ultimately make for their wallets and communities, respectfully
  • Decipher the value we bring to a project, and that the project provides to the community
  • Network with genuine and authentic sincerity as much as possible

“Hands down, the best mint I’ve been a part of. Legion of Sol did everything right. Everything. No launch pad, no BS Meta hype…just great art, great price, great community. Oh…and they ain’t done, yet.” — Coltrane_Jones {6666}

The 3 Major Compromises of Investors and Projects

Prior to the 3 compromises any investor or project must balance for themselves, we must first evaluate the 3 major compromises that govern decentralized finance as a whole. There are 3 interlocking tradeoffs all blockchains adopt to establishing their separation from the other chains they contend with. Considering definition of decentralized finance itself, I summated the 3 varying compromises for each chain, which all harbor both their own benefits and tribulations, adhered to these 3 edicts:

  • Decentralization of Transactions
  • Speed of Transactions
  • Consensus of Transactions

“You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it requires people to make the dream a reality.” — EgoVerse

Some V2 protocols, or blockchain migrations can be steps toward centralization depending on the new contract details you must approve when arriving at the migration destination, proving this can take place well into the projects’ lifespan where bad actors, asset manipulation and lack of, or fabricated communications are prevalent.

Legion of Sol had their staking platform ready before fully mint, launch their raffles website with their native token and created an auction site for people to auction their Demons in fire too. They are building fast and creating a strong community.” — Billygoatcryto.Sol

As an investor, I had to then determine the 3 compromises myself or a project has to make, or adjust, to confidently mint into the protocol. Those being:

  • Price of Mint
  • Artwork
  • Supply/Utility

“There should be no reason why a project raises $250k-$1 Mil and doesn’t get the ball rolling. You should be able to at least create another stream of revenue to make your project more sustainable than relying on your supporters to mint new collections constantly.” —

These continual variables can fluctuate, enhance, and further the projects innovation in the space. In addition to our website’s native Marketplace, the Legion is verified on Magic Eden, Yawww and OpenSea. LegionDAO is in place to ensure the community has a say in the investments, advancements and future of the Legion, though is only one way the team is open and engaging with the community, jump in the Legion discord and join the rumbles to experience firsthand! Those that can adapt to market concerns, feedback communicated by community, and innovate their utility, naturally strengthens the confidence in the project, draws attention to their project, and illustrates proven ability to deliver on growing utility, will solidify a projects longevity.

“Love watching the organic growth of dope projects! Legion of Sol has built and continues to create FIRE. Honored to see them raffling off a StayCuriousNFT and some killer others as well, stay curious!!”— Cruise Bogle {444}

For the constant innovation, community involvement, with the ability to ‘Underpromise and Overdeliver,’ has drawn investors, collaborators, and team members like myself to get involved with genuine, charismatic, honest, transparent and hard-working team of Trek, Stonez and Bushido. The evidence of this claim is derived directly from the website, attached throughout this manifest by way of the Marketplace collections, Auction House and Raffles! With more exciting things planned for the FIRE utility, and the future of the Legion.

“ART is FIRE, token is $ FIRE, members are FIRE” OMEGA3#7579

Finding the Value I Bring to the Legion Team

The bullish sentiment toward the project after 2 sold out mint waves, from both the team and community, propelled my desire to be on the Legion Team. In doing so, I had to evaluate and offer what I believe I can bring to the team. I did not attend college for anything computer or IT related. I had to enable my knowledge and skills in other industries, my training from college for a Performing Arts degree, and my ability to read, connect, relate and communicate with others to benefit the team. I discovered my value to contribute, and achieved my desired position with the Legion Team, however I do believe the execution of utility, phenomenal art, community engagement and sentiment with the future utility plans including IRL benefits, easily allows the unparalleled hard-work to speak for itself. My role then is to connect this outstanding team with other projects that mirror their integrity for the project and innovation in the NFT space.

“At least you’re finding out who really supports you boss. It can be discouraging and I know the feeling but focus on bettering yourself and executing your initial why. The right people will gravitate towards you naturally and will be there for you through thick and thin.” —

Networking with Authenticity is Key for the Future

Every industry, at some point, requires networking for various reasons, community growth, investment, advancement of position, or cultivating a continued symbiotic working relationship. That is what I have set out to accomplish for my team, and that’s the challenge I was willing to accept, to find the teams in the space, no matter the size, that are taking the time to build utility, engage with community, and innovating for their projects, or their chain, or for the space in its entirety. Establishing cross-chain alliances can solidify your sustainability and ensure your projects successes through a bear market, or crypto winter, cementing your futures in the space.

“The way to achieve your own success is to be willing to help somebody else get it first.” — Iyanla Vanzant

I, along with the Legion team, have accomplished that thus far, but the work is never down, the Legion are driven to excel even further and propel us on a greater trajectory the current market doesn’t allow for, because the proven utility has given a solid foundation, and has partnered us with great people, not just great projects. To some our notable collaborations, it is an honor and truly a blessing to be on ‘first name basis’ with you in the space, to build together and establish long term working relationships with you, and to call you a friend, to myself, and the Legion.

“Let’s play games, have a drink, smoke some smoke and party.” — Legion

“Success is best when it’s shared.” — Howard Schultz

To conclude, I’d like to say a special thank you to our partners, contributors and collaborators, and may this be only the beginning of our boundless friendship and limitless potential of future endeavors in our trusted partnership.

Thank you with immense gratitude: Village of Sol, EgoVerse, The Fracture, Dskullys, Homi3sDAO, Plague Doctors, Moodies, Cruiseybabbby, DustGods, Kairo Supply, MetaGoGe, NashotobiNFT, YobiNFT, Gothic Degens, The Silver Hands, PartyHardNFT, ThePeekabooClub, DopedUpDroids, VandalCityCorp



A Ron
Legion Library

Author/Editor for TheEgoVerse, SolanaVerseArt, Vending Machine NFT, Buff Bunny NFT. Crypto Investing, NFTs and life stories with genuine sincerity.