Lego Potter: Bulk bricks

Lining up for Blocks

Canberra Lego Store takes the mask off

Lego Potter
Published in
7 min readNov 5, 2021


The moment of opening (image by author)

For months now my local Lego fan community has been buzzing. Lego has been coyly concealing an actual retail outlet behind floor to ceiling hoardings in a prime space in the Canberra Centre. The lockdown spawned by Delta delayed things but as retail trading opened up from essential only (groceries, gas, and grog) to click and collect to open slather with check-in, masks, and social distancing, it became obvious that the big day was hurtling towards us.

With the speed of light, a date was announced and you could hear the collective groan from the user group. We’d have to battle with the crowds from 9 am on Saturday and I could see from the responses to the announcements on social and regular media that there would be thousands of customers keen to clear the shelves.

As luck would have it, a deal was stitched up between the shop management and the user group to open up for a preview. Pre-registration mandatory, two groups for an hour each on Friday night, drinks and nibblies supplied.

