Announcing LGO Launch– LGO Group’s TGE Agency

Frédéric Montagnon
5 min readJul 6, 2018


LGO’s mission is to create a fully regulated platform to buy, sell and trade crypto assets. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), also called Token Generation Events (TGEs), are a key component of this space because they have become the first step for many investors to become involved with blockchain projects.

Today, we are proud to announce the start of LGO Launch, an agency focused on providing services for new digital assets through TGEs.

What an incredible journey it’s been for LGO so far! When we first started working on our White Paper last year, we had no idea where we’d be today. We had no idea our community would be this strong, our ecosystem this advanced and our network this developed. We are truly amazed by the amount of support we get from all around the world and we can thank our global community for this support, which constantly fuels our willingness to keep progressing, building and achieving.

How it started

It all started with our Token Generation Event, which allowed us to build our community. During the months which preceded the TGE, we were able to successfully analyze online communities on a global scale, establish relevant marketing strategies and develop a secure & efficient TGE platform.

To get a deeper understanding of how we were going to penetrate communities around the world as well as build our own, we recruited a team of international ambassadors. This team searched, analyzed and engaged online communities in every corner of the world. Thanks to them, our brand became global and our community started to gather.

Our Public Relations team, working closely with our ambassadors, succeeded in getting press coverage in major mainstream & crypto media outlets around the world, reinforcing our credibility and legitimacy. As we progressed, we were able to recruit a team of top notch community managers, who actively engaged on our own social media platforms and stood out as community leaders.

Step by step, the LGO community grew, diversified, and became more unified. After a few months of preparation, our efforts proved to be fruitful. All the techniques we experimented with, contacts we developed, and most importantly the community members we welcomed allowed us to close the doors to our Public sale in just a few hours.

LGO Launch

After realizing the scale of our global impact, the size of the community we built and the level of success of our TGE, entrepreneurs from other Blockchain related projects conducting their own token sales approached us seeking strategies, knowledge and guidance. Because we wanted to prone the opportunities and potential disruptions of distributed ledger technologies, we decided to help them, in a very informal manner.

We quickly came to understand how valuable our strategies and knowledge were to these projects… and realized we built one of the strongest global networks. As we need to grow our network ahead of the exchange’s launch, we believe that providing our services and support for other TGEs will bring both a new community and a wealth of volume to our exchange.

Hence, we are proud to announce the launch of LGO Launch, LGO Group’s TGE Agency. Hugo Finkelstein, who led our marketing teams during LGO’s TGE, will take the reins of this new entity.

International Reach & Coverage

We have a global team, providing us with outreach to various regions of the world. We currently have 12 regional ambassadors in-house, native from 9 countries and speaking a total of 9 languages. This number is steadily growing as we are actively searching for new talent and striving to expand our global reach. We have 3 in-house Public Relations Managers, who are developing relationships with the press on an international scale. Additionally, our team of community managers covers the 3 regions where our network is the strongest: Asia, Europe & North America.

On top of our abilities to reach audiences from all around the world, we have a full team dedicated to content writing & design.

What it means for the LGO community and ecosystem

At LGO Group, we are creating an ecosystem where we want community members to feel like they are a significant part of it. We are building a compliant, transparent and riskless ecosystem to buy, sell & trade digital assets in order to cover all kinds of transactions.

  • Our 1st step is to support secondary transactions on the most liquid cryptocurrencies (i.e. BTC & ETH) for institutional and then retail investors.
  • Our 2nd step touches primary transactions from the issuer to the token holder such as a TGE, which is nothing more than an initial transaction between these two parties.

This ecosystem is very similar to what exists in the traditional stock market (i.e. IPOs on Nasdaq). At LGO, we are developing a secure & compliant exchange and we will help build clean assets to be traded (or not) on this exchange.

On our exchange, mechanics of the LGO token are simple: every transaction incurs a fee, and a part of this fee is burnt in LGO. As each step taken is a step reinforcing LGO Group and LGO’s community, LGO Launch will be deeply integrated within our ecosystem, and we will replicate the same setup for TGEs, which are transactions as well. Our TGE platform will incur a fee on each contribution. Details of this transaction based fee will be written on an updated version of our WhitePaper, which we plan to release in July.

Additionally, clients who utilize LGO Launch’s services for their Token Generation Events will strongly be considered for listing on LGO Markets & Exchange if they qualify for all legal and technical requirements.

Clients & Services

It is important for LGO Launch to follow the high-quality standards set by LGO Markets & Exchange, which is why each potential client will be thoroughly reviewed and vetted by our team and advisors before any onboarding discussions are considered.

Additionally, in the near future, we will onboard clients looking to issue tokenized assets in a fully regulated and compliant manner.

LGO Launch will offer the following services to tokens it is launching:

  • Strategy Consulting
  • Technical Support: optimizing transactions & issuance of tokens through our TGE Platform
  • Global Marketing: raising awareness all around the globe (social media, press, influencers, content production)

We invite you to check out our website, learn more about the services offered and the team that we have put together.

On behalf of LGO Group and LGO Launch, we’d like to thank you for your continuing support and love.

The LGO Team

