Looking Back to Move Forward: 5 Steps to Start the New Year Right

Bryant D Nielson
Legthen Your Stride
4 min readJan 3, 2024
Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

Another year is wrapping up, marking the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months and set your sights on creating your best year yet in the coming one. Evaluating what went right, what could improve and how you truly want to live gives clarity on specific actions steps to manifest a happier, healthier and more fulfilling future.

Follow these five steps to reflect on this past year and start the new year with fresh perspective, energy and motivation to pursue what matters most:

Step 1: Review the Past Year’s Accomplishments

Start your self-reflection by making a list of all you achieved over the past year, no matter how small. Did you read more books? Finally subscribe to that yoga streaming app? Explore a new hiking trail every month? Learn a new recipe each week?

Document every goal reached, skill gained, place visited or thing experienced that brought you joy and a sense of accomplishment. This inventory demonstrates that with consistent effort, you absolutely can steadily make progress towards bettering yourself. With that awareness, you can pursue more meaningful growth in the new year.

Step 2: Identify Current Challenges to Overcome

Next, shift your focus to the present moment by outlining any behaviors, thought patterns or circumstances currently causing distress and preventing you from thriving. Maybe you have an stressful job with a toxic boss. Or you overindulge in unhealthy foods when stressed or bored. Perhaps you struggle with self-doubt or negative self-talk.

Be brutally honest with yourself. Pinpoint exactly why you feel stagnant or unhappy right now. Even issues that seem gigantic or unsolvable become more actionable when clearly defined on paper. Once you name today’s top challenges blocking fulfillment, the path forward opens up.

Step 3: Envision Your Ideal Life in the New Year

This next reflection task requires tapping straight into your imagination. On a fresh sheet of paper, visually sketch out your ideal life exactly a year from now if every dream came true.

Describe in vivid sensory detail what your perfect average day looks like when all current challenges are conquered. Who surrounds you? Where do you live? What healthy habits have you created? How do you feel emotionally and physically? No aspiration is too wild here — this is your north star vision to guide the target outcomes.

Let this ideal future life snapshot stir your deepest longing to plant the seeds now for profound growth through the new year ahead.

Step 4: Transform Visions into Daily Goals

Now for the tactical planning phase. Look back at the current challenges and ideal future life brainstorms. Extract the most essential elements from each one that you want to begin working towards every day in the coming year.

Maybe cultivating richer social connections is both a current gap and future desire. Or learning to prepare nutritious home-cooked meals could energize you physically and financially. Perhaps reading fiction again or trying a new creative hobby emerges as a core component of envisioned happier days.

Whatever specific actions lead to the outcomes that matter most, write down SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based aims) around each one as daily and weekly benchmarks to pace yourself through accountable progress over the next 12 months.

Step 5: Schedule Ongoing Reflection

Lastly, block out recurring time slots for self-reflection in your calendar to continue the momentum. Mark monthly “checkpoints” to evaluate achievement of established goals. Are your daily fitness routines keeping pace towards your definition of ideal health? Does reading more fiction or dedicating time to creative hobbies contribute to increased daily joy? Were you able to create a more joyful relationship? Did you find that your financial stability improved?

In addition to these monthly “checkpoints”, schedule a major “annual review” exactly a year from now to measure your holistic personal growth using these reflection techniques again. You may be amazed realizing just how much can transform after a year of aligned effort to nurture yourself mind, body and soul.

The Bottom Line

Everyone desires positive changes but rarely knows where or how to start effectively. I use the five steps in this self-reflection framework to review my previous year as well as thoughtfully design an optimal year ahead. Maybe you can use the framework too!

Investing concentrated effort into visualizing an ideal future lifestyle and setting SMART goals to get there quarter by quarter inspires lasting motivation towards targeted self-improvement. By next year’s annual review, you could be living your dream life thanks to mindfully engineering it one day at a time starting today.

The time will pass irrespective of what we choose to do. With a clear action plan guiding your efforts each day, rather than getting lost reacting to circumstances, you write your own story filled with growth. Make this upcoming year count by first reflecting on how to consciously shape it into your best one yet. The process starts now. You’ve got this!

Bryant D Nielson is the author of the book:
Lengthen Your Stride: The Power of 1% Improvements to Transform Your Life, Relationships, Career, Business, and the World

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