The Power of 1.01%: How a Small Extra Effort Can Lead to Extraordinary Results

Bryant D Nielson
Legthen Your Stride
4 min readMay 24, 2024

In personal and professional development, we often hear about the importance of giving 100% effort. While this is undoubtedly a noble goal, what if there was a way to achieve even greater results by just putting in a tiny bit more effort each day? Enter the 1.01% principle.

The 1.01% principle is based on the idea that if you consistently put in just 1.01% more effort than the day before, over the course of a year, you’ll end up with results that are 38 times greater than if you had simply maintained a constant level of effort.

To understand how this works, let’s consider the math. If you start with a baseline of 100% effort on day one and increase your effort by just 1.01% each day, by the end of the year (365 days), you’ll be putting in 3,778% more effort than when you started. In contrast, if you maintain a constant 100% effort throughout the year, you’ll end up with results that are only a fraction of what you could have achieved by embracing the 1.01% principle.

But what does this look like in practice? Let’s explore some examples in both business and personal life.

Consider a salesperson who makes 10 calls per day. By increasing their effort by just 1.01% each day, they’d be making 38 calls per day by the end of the year. If each call has a 10% chance of resulting in a sale, they’d end up with nearly 4 times more sales than if they had simply maintained their initial level of effort.

Similarly, a small business owner who decides to increase their daily social media posting by just one extra post per day could see a significant increase in brand awareness, engagement, and ultimately, sales over the course of a year.

For employees, committing to working just 5 minutes longer each day can result in over 30 hours of additional productivity over the course of a year, leading to improved performance and potential career advancement opportunities.

Even in customer service, a representative who makes an effort to spend just a little bit more time with each customer, focusing on building rapport and addressing their needs more thoroughly, can generate increased customer satisfaction, positive reviews, and a growing loyal customer base.

The 1.01% principle is equally powerful in our personal lives. Consider fitness, for example. An individual who commits to adding just one extra minute to their daily workout routine could see significant improvements in cardiovascular health, increased strength, and better overall fitness by the end of the year.

In terms of personal growth, a person who decides to read just one extra page per day will have read an additional 365 pages by the end of the year, equivalent to several extra books, leading to increased knowledge and improved cognitive function.

The principle can also be applied to relationships. Someone who makes a conscious effort to spend an additional 5 minutes each day actively listening to their partner, family, or friends could experience stronger, more fulfilling relationships and a greater sense of connection.

Skill development is another area where the 1.01% principle can lead to substantial results. An aspiring musician who commits to practicing their instrument for just 5 minutes longer each day will accumulate over 30 hours of additional practice time over the course of a year, resulting in significant improvements in skill and technique.

Finally, in terms of financial management, an individual who decides to save an extra 1% of their income each month could build a significant amount of additional savings over the course of a year, providing greater financial stability and opportunities for investment or personal growth.

The power of the 1.01% principle lies in its simplicity and consistency. By focusing on making small, incremental improvements each day, you can achieve massive results over time. This principle can be applied to any area of life, from fitness and health to personal relationships and career development.

Of course, putting in an extra 1.01% effort each day isn’t always easy. It requires discipline, focus, and a willingness to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. However, the rewards are well worth the effort. By embracing the 1.01% principle, you can unlock your full potential and achieve extraordinary results in every area of your life.

The 1.01% principle is a powerful tool for anyone looking to achieve greater success and fulfillment in life.

Consistently putting in just a little bit more effort each day, you can achieve results that are 38 times greater than if you had simply maintained a constant level of effort. Whether in business or personal life, the 1.01% principle can be applied to various aspects, leading to substantial improvements and success over time.

Start today, and watch as the power of 1.01% transforms your life in ways you never thought possible.


Bryant D Nielson is the author of the book:
Lengthen Your Stride: The Power of 1% Improvements to Transform Your Life, Relationships, Career, Business, and the World

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