Turning Inspiration Into Action: How to Harness Your Motivation

Bryant D Nielson
Legthen Your Stride
3 min readOct 5, 2023
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-draw-a-light-bulb-in-white-board-3758105/

Inspiration is invaluable for productivity. When we feel truly inspired, focused work flows more effortlessly. Our creativity is unleashed and we often produce our best work. But inspiration can also be fleeting. An initial flash of motivation fizzles out when we don’t know how to harness it. Turning inspiration into meaningful action is key.

The question is, how can we capture those sparks of inspiration and translate them into tangible progress on important projects? Here are some proven strategies for funneling inspiration into forward momentum:

Get Specific About Your Intent
When inspiration strikes, rather than keeping it vague, get clear on exactly what you intend to accomplish. If you feel motivated to work on your book, narrow it down — “I’m inspired to outline 3 chapters right now.” Specific intent focuses inspiration into a precise next step.

Capture It Immediately
Inspiration is easy to lose if you don’t act quickly. Have your notebook, computer or phone handy so you can capture inspired ideas immediately. If inspired to map out your book, don’t let that spark fade — start mapping right away while the motivation is hot. Capture tools ensure you harness inspiration in the moment.

Know Your Optimal Time
Inspiration often strikes when we least expect it. But there are usually certain times of day when you feel most inspired — morning, evening or late night. Pay attention to when you get your best inspirations and block off time for meaningful work then. Work with your energy, not against it.

Have a Ready List
Keep an ongoing list of projects you’d like to work on when inspiration hits. This could include article ideas, book chapters to write, home improvement projects, gift ideas — anything you’d like to make progress on. When inspiration lands, scan your list and choose the right match.

Gather Your Materials
Preparation breeds inspiration. Have the materials for acting on your ideas close at hand. Stock art supplies if you want to work on a painting, keep a guitar nearby to compose music, etc. Removing obstacles in advance makes it easy to harness inspiration in the moment.

Prototype and Experiment
Inspiration often comes in wisps and fragments, not fully-formed ideas. Capture the seeds of inspired thoughts through quick prototypes. Make voice memos, improvise songs, sketch drawings — don’t wait for perfection. Prototyping clarifies inspired fog and propels progress.

Break it Down
Big, inspired projects can quickly become daunting, sapping your motivation. Maintain momentum by breaking projects down into digestible pieces. Outline just one chapter, write a few paragraphs, paint a small section. Small tangible steps keep inspiration’s fire burning.

Limit Your Options
Too many options can paralyze inspired action. Pursuing three new business ideas at once or starting four novels will dilute your effort. Limit yourself to one or two inspired options you’ll commit to. Less choice means more progress.

Watch for “Inspiration Addiction”
As with anything pleasurable, it’s possible to become addicted to inspiration — chasing the next high rather than doing the work. Beware if you’re endlessly looking for perfect inspiration before acting. Inspiration is not the end goal — creating, progress and learning are.

Revisit Old Ideas
Inspiration often strikes when re-encountering an idea we initially lacked motivation to pursue. Regularly review your backlog of ideas, projects and dreams. Old inspirations frequently regain momentum in the light of new perspective and changes in your life.

While inspiration is a wonderful catalyst, in the end it’s taking action that counts. Harness those precious sparks of motivation by translating inspiration into concrete progress right away. Keep capture tools handy, limit your options, work in inspired times of day — build routines that bridge the gap between inspiration and creation. Meet inspiration with action and you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish.

Bryant Nielson is the author of the forthcoming book:
Lengthen Your Stride: The Power of 1% Improvements to Transform Your Life, Relationships, Career, Business, and the World

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