Digital marketing finding its way into new avenues

SEO is now more than a social media skill — it’s a job

Tara Sukumar
Lehigh Mobile Storytelling
2 min readJun 21, 2021


For digital marketers, promoting products and services aggressively online has been the goal.

Although digital marketing by itself is a new arena in marketing, it has been improvised even further in recent times. It started with social media marketing, and now search engine optimization — or SEO — has become a niche and a full-time job.

On Twitter last week, experts and digital marketers went back and forth on two main topics: SEO and updates on various social media platforms.

Just as SEO is becoming the heated topic among digital marketers, different positions for SEO, such as SEO director, SEO accounts manager, SEO marketing manager, and more, are in demand.

Google’s search algorithm updates and its effect on SEO holds the spotlight for this trending topic.

Updates on various social media platforms is another trending, yet controversial, topic frequently visited by these experts. Some experts find these updates exciting and intriguing, while others don’t find them as useful and feel that there are too many updates to keep up with.

Updates on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and Youtube have kept the experts busy notifying their followers of the updates, while sometimes sharing their thoughts, as well.

ClubHouse is the latest social media app garnering attention. While some use this app for entertainment purposes, others use it for business meetings and information sessions. The app is still new, and some of its challenges have become topics of conversation in recent days.

Photo by William Krause on Unsplash

Digital marketers have the expertise to make information reach the target population better than others. For instance, social media has been a great tool to post information on the need for beds, blood, oxygen, vaccines and other resources to help COVID-19 patients and those in need of help.

While this isn’t the most trending topic among experts and digital marketers, this is an opportunity for digital marketers to help people with the skills they have and to give back to society while doing something we love.

