Good things come in threes

Katie McNulty
Lehigh Mobile Storytelling
2 min readJun 16, 2020

As a triplet, growing up, I didn’t like it at all.

I wanted to have my own birthday, my own friends and be in my own classes.

We were always being compared by our teachers, our parents and our coaches. But the competitive spirit we gained from it, helped shape us into the people we are today. Despite the cons that come with it, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

A question that I always get asked is, “What’s it like to be a triplet.” It’s hard to answer that because it’s all I’ve ever known. So it feels normal to me.

From left to right: Kevin, Shaun and Katie McNulty

In my project, I wanted to show how it impacted us. Although we will be 20 in less than one month, we will never outgrow the sibling rivalry. It’s instilled in us forever.

Although I couldn’t capture everything that comes with being a multiple, I hope that people watch this and have a better understanding of what it’s like.

One of the main challenges that I had in this project was capturing b-roll. I knew I wanted to do it on sibling rivalry and how it shaped us, but it’s hard to capture that in its natural setting. I had to use some pictures from when I was younger to show what it was really like instead of using live footage.

But what I learned from this was just to keep the camera rolling and to get creative. You can never have too much b-roll.

Another thing that I took away from this was that just because it could be a longer story, it doesn’t mean that’s the best way to go. I had about 20 minutes’ worth of an interview with my brother but only used a small portion of his story.

I also learned how to time out my read. Compared to last time, I noticed I wasn’t rushing, and I felt like it went a lot smoother, and it didn’t sound forced.

Taking videos can be nerve-racking, but if you remember what you’re there to do, it can take away some stress.

Want to know what’s it’s like to be a triplet? In this video, you will get to hear how our competitive spirit has shaped us into the people we are today. #triplet #broadcast #multimedia #storytelling

