Stirring the pot to create the perfect shot

Time to get crafty

Olivia LiPuma
Lehigh Mobile Storytelling
2 min readJun 15, 2020


With a lot of time on my hands, I have been looking for ways to get creative. Whether that be arts and crafts, outdoor activities or in the kitchen, I have been looking for inspiration and have found many different Instagram pages.

The one that inspired me due to its production value is Quick Recipes.

The Quick Recipes Instagram Live page posts videos promoting different recipes. The posts are strategically created allowing each video to follow the same format.

After the hook, the opening shots consist of a couple still photos labeled with a clear list of ingredients. This is something I felt had purpose.

By providing the aesthetically pleasing list of ingredients within the first couple of seconds of the video, viewers can decide if they want to continue watching or move to the next video.

The video setup is simple. Each video has an evenly lit and solid-colored backdrop. The different perspectives and angles during each step help to animate the food. Overall, the videos stand out because they are clean, clear and crisp.

This instagram page inspired me for my project this week. I am planning to take the business advertising route and want to create a video ad for Cheerios’ newest cereal flavor.

In my piece I want outline each component of the new flavor before showing the box, just like the Instagram page did with the ingredients and the final product. I plan to have solid background to enable each of the ingredients to pop. I learned in order to make the video flow that the angles of shots are critical. Fading and the use of audio adjustments will help to smooth the steps of cooking.

Photo by Anshu A on Unsplash

Based on class lessons, articles and Instagram videos, I have gathered a list of important components to create an effective advertisement.

First and foremost, the beginning of the video is critical.

To avoid the loss of viewership, it’s important to make an effort to hook your audience within the first few seconds by sparking the interest of your target market.

Keeping optimal length is also crucial to keep customers engaged. It’s essential to eliminate unnecessary content keeping the story concise and straight forward.

Including the “why” will emphasize the importance of the story. Online viewers are used to seeing commercials online and clicking away.

Choose a unique format or style that allows the brand to promote itself while appealing to your target market. The more creative you get, the more your video will stand out from the content of competitors.

