My Art Is Business.

Nazr El-Scari
Lehigh Mobile Storytelling
3 min readJun 14, 2021

Do you know what it means to create? Not just the definition, but the giving of a piece of your being to bring something to life that was not previously in existence.

It’s never a linear journey. In fact, it’s the opposite. I love to create, but I didn’t always think of myself as creative.

Art class was always difficult for me. I would brood over the most minute details before even getting things on the paper. The process of finding my vision and displaying it through shapes and figures always left me feeling lost and uninspired.

Though my final product would always garner an above average grade and supportive feedback about not giving up on myself, I was never satisfied. I was frustrated that it never looked like how I envisioned it and that the gap between my visions and talent never closed no matter how many classes I took.

This was especially frustrating growing up in an artistic community with many family members who could paint, draw, sculpt and more. Yet, even though I further constrained myself by putting limitations on my thinking that kept me from taking more chances in this space, I would continue to create.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

It wasn’t until I got to college at Lehigh that I realized that creativity is not only in an artistic sense. Though it is a word most commonly used in an artistic sense it was not restricted by the same bonds that I had mentally put on myself.

Once released, I realized that my creativity had always lived within my pursuit of financial freedom, and my canvas was entrepreneurship.

When my mom wasn’t able to get me the newest game or buy me the latest clothes, I would always come up with a plan to provide value to others in exchange for the currency I lacked. Even now, as I think of my latest business strategy or what new products people may use in the future, I feel my inner Picasso light up with joy as my mind begins to ponder the possibilities of what is next.

I am a business artist.

Like many great visual or musical artists, I stand on the edge of society with a wide-eyed gaze toward the opportunity of inspiration. I observe the smallest of details and question the reason behind our “normal” with childlike wonder, poking and prodding until the key discovery unfolds itself.

I finally understood it.

To be in the creative process is bliss, but I’m not just a dreamer. Once the plan has been ascertained, I enjoy nothing more than putting my big boy pants on and getting to it.

Execute, execute, execute.

Gosh it is beautiful to just be able to put your head down, do the work and see the results. I imagine it is the same feeling professional athletes get when they’ve won a championship. No one can tell you when or how, but at some point, you just know it’s your time to exhibit the fruits of your labor.

Photo by Spencer Bergen on Unsplash

However, you may be wondering the purpose of writing this?

For me, it’s simply to share. I want to get better at sharing my story and expressing myself. I believe it’s the next evolution in my creativity.

I can feel the door starting to unlock, and I am getting more and more comfortable with this side of me. I am learning more about myself and gaining new insights about the purpose of each moment in my life up to this point.

Soon, I will share what went into my favorite and best business creation: A Sneakerhead’s Paradise.

