Nike: Giving Athletes a Voice to Inspire Others

Athletes share their stories and inspire others to keep working

Allie Hite
Lehigh Mobile Storytelling
3 min readJun 22, 2021


Nike has always used their large brand name to boost and endorse athletes and teams. On their Instagram page, they have several videos and Instagram stories that highlight athletes and their personal narratives.

Photo by Nigel Msipa on Unsplash

The video I sought inspiration from showcases the soccer player — or in his case, football player — Marcus Rashford. Rashford is a professional soccer player for Manchester United in the Premier League as well as England’s national team. He also has a partnership with Nike.

In this video, Nike showcases Rashford in his element, both in his city and on the pitch. Nike include pictures and videos of him playing the sport, but the company also adds pictures and videos outside of it. A video of his mural in an alleyway and videos and pictures of where he grew up are also included.

This video is somewhat chaotic. It bounces from video to video with background noise and music. Throughout the entire video, Rashford’s interview is used as a voiceover. He talks about his drive, passion and hopes for the sport. The caption of this post encompasses his main goal: using his platform to make change for the next generation.

Courtesy of (Displays Rashford’s efforts to inspire young athletes.)

There is only so much you can fit into a short video like this one, but Nike does a good job of keeping it concise and to the point. Although it’s only 51 seconds, it gets across the story Rashford is trying to convey.

Throughout the video, Rashford talks about his childhood and all the opportunities playing soccer has given him. He also talks about the future of the sport saying he would “like to see more kids getting the opportunity to make a big difference in their life, and express themselves through football. I’m just doing what I’ve always done and trying to help in whichever way I can.”

Photo by Travel Nomades on Unsplash

Similar to Nike, I hope to follow the documentary-like video of an athlete. Sports, especially soccer, have always been a huge part of my life, and it is something that I will always feel a connection to. Therefore, I am using Nike’s video as inspiration for my own.

I am going to also showcase an athlete at the collegiate level. Also, like Nike had done, I will use a voiceover of an interview I have with this athlete that demonstrates his or her story and passions for the sport. I feel like it is always rewarding to give people the opportunity to tell their story, but it is also interesting to hear about other athletes’ paths.

Nike always has inspired me through the ways they showcase athletes’ lives and upbringings in their given sport. With such a big platform, the corporation has used its popularity to recruit star athletes, and sometimes even young athletes, into a personal story. Nike’s social videos on Instagram inspire me to follow in their footsteps and showcase a fellow athlete.

