Takeaways from my first Lehigh Communication Class

My accomplishments and learning experiences from the summer

Peter Burpee
Lehigh Mobile Storytelling
2 min readJun 27, 2020


It was on an incredibly humid morning in the outskirts of Boston that I found myself keeled over on the sidelines of the lacrosse field, dry heaving.

I was severely dehydrated from the jet lag travel and heavy heat compared to the clean air of my hometown in Oregon — or maybe I was just out of shape.

Regardless, I needed something more than water to replenish the depleted salt and electrolyte levels in my system. Gatorade was the first thing that came to mind.

Whether it is the motivational nature of the brand or the cool, refreshing taste of Glacier Freeze, Gatorade fueled a large part of my youth lacrosse career.

Having the opportunity in this course to reflect on what makes this sugary sports drink so associated with success in my mind was an incredible learning opportunity.

Photo by Ethan McArthur on Unsplash

Thinking about the various projects we completed, creating my own version of a Gatorade commercial was the most rewarding experience over the six weeks of the course.

For one, it improved my mobile photography and videography skills through various composition techniques. By experimenting with different angles and layers, I was finally able to realize the full potential of smartphone technology and get out of my comfort zone.

Further, this project was my introduction into the world of video editing. Prior to taking this course, I had a preconceived belief that software like Davinci Resolve would be too complicated for me.

However, the crash course videos eased my apprehension and allowed for an easier transition and completion of the project.

Photo by Hendri Sabri on Unsplash

As a viewer of commercial after commercial, it is easy to get wrapped up in the message that is being delivered. Being on the creating side of a commercial, I was able to find a better understanding about the importance of building a narrative through a social medium.

I found the process of telling a miniature story to be necessary as it allows for the audience to follow the message and ultimately absorb the purpose of the commercial.

Finally, by having the ability to build my brand through different social media platforms and sharing my work with the rest of the world brings this course full circle.

As social media becomes increasingly prevalent, I’m extremely happy to say that this course gave me the confidence and inspiration to build and create more messages that captivate viewers

