Spreading Hope Through Social Video

David Brown is a paralympic gold medalist who has recently shared his inspiring story through Now This News, a social video news outlet.

Brenna Lutz
Lehigh Mobile Storytelling
2 min readJun 16, 2020


In today’s age of technology and storytelling, our world has advanced in the many different forms and ways that we share stories.

Our world is filled with creative and inspiring people who have used all of the tools around us to share stories in different and captivating ways. Now This News has taken advantage of this, and one of their posts this week to Instagram not only shared an inspiring story, but also inspired me for creating my own social video.

Now This News prides itself on sharing stories that move. Instead of creating and sharing your typical news-broadcast or a documentary-style videos, they are able to combine pictures, video, rolling text and music to create a unique post.

This week, Now This News posted the above post to Instagram sharing the story of David Brown. Brown is a paralympic gold medalist in track, and in this post, he shares his story, experiences and pieces of guidance to other disabled people out there who feel like they can’t achieve their goals due to their disability.

Brown himself is an amazing inspiration to people everywhere, but Now This News was able to create such a simple yet moving video to help spread his compassion that also inspired me.

I really enjoy how Now This News lays out their social video posts in a manner that helps to further convey the message being told and talked about within the video. To help further convey Brown’s message of inspiration, Now This News used a pink background when they showed clips of him speaking. Pink is a very warm and loving color that really helped to show the pure intentions and hope within Brown.

To further help this, throughout the entire video, happy, upbeat music was being played faintly in the background. It was played at the perfect level where it didn’t overplay the audio, but it was still noticeable throughout the entirety of the video.

Furthermore, I also just really like how they use text on the screen. It helps to keep the viewer more involved with the story being told and I also simply find it more entertaining.

Photo by Matthew Kwong on Unsplash

Overall, the simplicity and creativity being used in the Now This News posts have inspired me for my own social video assignment.

I am excited about the ideas it has given me, and I am looking forward to seeing how my final product will turn out.

