Boost your tweets to the top

Checking the Twitter Analytics page is the easiest way to boost your social media recognition.

Julia Dorley
Lehigh Mobile Storytelling
3 min readJun 26, 2021


I’ve only been on Twitter for five weeks, but this past week, I ventured into the Twitter Analytics page and was surprised by the numbers I saw.

I have already had a couple of thousand impressions and almost 700 profile visits.

Most of my tweets with the highest engagement were all from the same week which I found surprising. The one with the most engagement was the introduction video I made about myself and uploaded to YouTube, but that didn’t shock me.

This tweet had an engagement rate of over 20%. I didn’t have many followers at the time but still had 89 engagements and 24 link clicks. The fact that it was a video about myself is most likely what drove up the engagement rate. Original content seems to pique people’s interests.

The two tweets with the second-highest engagement rates both happen to be about the Olympics. It is an exciting time as we are in the middle of trials for the summer Olympics, so it was definitely a relevant topic to tweet about. I’m sure it also helps that a lot of my followers are athletes and share an appreciation for sports. The second-highest engagement rate was over 16%. These two tweets were also original content.

My tweets with the lowest level of engagement were either about science or miscellaneous comments. This is good information to have since I am still early in my Twitter journey. I still have time to choose a specific direction for my account if I would like to do so. I can either build on the sport-loving following I have now, or I can redirect my account to a STEM focus and work to get my content into different communities, gaining a different set of followers along the way.

I was very surprised to see how many impressions I had overall considering my low number of followers. New people seem to be clicking my links and viewing my profile.

I was also shocked to see who my top follower was. She must have been following the links in my tweets on top of liking my content. I know that she is active on social media, so she must just be consistent with checking her feed.

Increasing my number of followers as well as tweeting more, in general, would improve my statistics. The more followers and content I have, the more likely people are to interact with my tweets and share them with others.

I can also interact with other tweets more to get more engagement in return. Mentioning people in my tweets and replies would get direct attention from those individuals.

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

I was impressed with the detailed information on the Twitter Analytics page and I learned that a lot more people see my account than I expected based on the number of followers I have. This is very valuable information to have moving forward with my account.

