Afterthoughts of Watching the Entire MCU

Nhyira M
Leisured Back
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2021


So, approximately, somewhere in August last year, in the last of the 6-month-lockdown, I decided to watch the entire MCU chronologically in order. Now, it does sound like a mammoth task, and it certainly turned out to be; but it was definitely worth it. At the time of writing (2/4/21), I finished Endgame about a week ago, and WandaVision also somewhere last week. Although Spider-Man: Far From Home was released 2 years ago, chronologically, it comes after WandaVision and so I only finished it earlier this week. Of course, it would’ve made a lot more sense to begin this at the start of lockdown, but it didn’t occur to me then unfortunately, plus that was the first time ‘remote-schooling’ was introduced as a regular part of new vocab, including quarantine XD.

Disclaimer: After watching a bit of the Daredevil series, I decided not to watch the remainder, and then the other Netflix Defenders’ Series i.e. Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders, etc… as I found them a bit more darker compared to the rest of the MCU.

And so beginning with CA: The First Avenger, Agent Carter, Captain Marvel and all the way down to Spider-Man: FFH, I watched the colossal story, that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And every single minute was worth it.

Firstly, the Infinity Stones, which played a major part in the first 3 phases or the ‘Infinity Saga’. Honestly, the best way to describe them throughout each movie and series is like weaving. The Stones were intricately woven throughout. They had something to do with everyone and everything. I mean, even the Red Skull, leader of HYDRA eventually ended up guarding the Soul Stone. We see the Space Stone with Goose at one point in Captain Marvel. That same stone we see in Loki’s possession, the Power Stone in Guardians of the Galaxy, the Time Stone in the Dr Strange movies, etc…, and for the most part, none of them truly realising the power each held.

And when you know what impending disaster will take place in the future, as a viewer, you wish you could tell these heroes, who wouldn’t have needed to become a part of the Avengers, to make sure the Stones were always in safe hands, no matter the cost. That not holding onto them would mean the ‘bad guy’ would win in the end. That time-travel and sacrifice would become necessary.

Next thing I’m going to talk about are the extraordinary links, some subtle, some plain to see.

“It’s all connected.”

Truly, it is. Take Runaways and Cloak & Dagger. Generally, they seem to be in their own separate universes, and this stance is certainly upheld. Until the crossover with Tandy and Tyrone entering the Runaways’ world, so these 2 shows are now connected. But then, in Agents of SHIELD, a dangerous book called the Darkhold appears, and for SHIELD to save the world in the situation presented within Season 4, they must use the Darkhold. However, it previously corrupted the mind of a human, and so since they have a fully-functioning Artificial Intelligent Digital Assistant or ‘Aida’, why not use her? She successfully uses the Darkhold to save them all, however, it turns out she wasn’t exempt from the ‘mind corruption effect’, and so she becomes evil and powerful, in attempt to become human herself — watch Agents of SHIELD S4 for the full story.

Back to links, well so far we have the Darkhold bringing together Agents of SHIELD, Runaways, and Cloak & Dagger. But that’s not all. Though it may have a different appearance, the Darkhold also appears in WandaVision. So, not only is it part of plotlines in the smaller parts of the MCU, but it brings links to one of the most powerful Avengers, who in turn links to the larger part of the MCU.

The Darkhold is only a small example of MCU connections. Others, such as Zero Matter and the Dark Realm, run right back from the 1940s/50s in Agent Carter, through Agents of SHIELD, Cloak & Dagger, Runaways, and well you get the idea now. And hopefully, there are larger connections to come, with many characters getting their own films and series,

So, as the MCU expands, and old characters make way for new, and the good make sacrifices for humanity, and as more actors join this massive media base, it can only get better and better. I, for one, will certainly stick around throughout the new, current plotline, in anticipation for another tremendous finale (whilst keeping an eye on the DCEU), though if it could ever outplay Endgame, well that remains to be seen. But so far, it’s been one hell of a thrilling and emotional rollercoaster.


Check out this page for the entire chronological order of the the MCU so far, including movies, shows and one-shots + release dates for upcoming.

Thank you for reading this post and make sure to lemme know what you think below; and don’t forget to subscribe to our e-mails!



Nhyira M
Leisured Back

Hey there! I’m Nhyira (Inshira), a Brit, who loves writing. So much so, I created my own blog called Leisured Back. Be sure to check out it in my publications!