Against the Image

Nhyira M
Leisured Back
Published in
1 min readSep 25, 2020
By Nhyira M

If I were stout,

And fat by your standards,

If I fished trout

Instead of make-upping hours

If I had braces

For gaps in my teeth

If I visited weird places

In my sleep

If I had a faith

And was in the minority

If no-one I showed hate

And had God as my priority

Would I be shamed?

Feel afraid?

‘Cos I went against the image,

That Society’s paved?



Nhyira M
Leisured Back

Hey there! I’m Nhyira (Inshira), a Brit, who loves writing. So much so, I created my own blog called Leisured Back. Be sure to check out it in my publications!