Lemmings at the Hello, Robot exhibition at MAK

Lemmings helps with fundraising

Seed and pre-seed fundraising help for Lemmings & Friends

Thomas Schranz
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2018


Software transforms the world as we know it.
It never was easier to affect change on a universal scale.

Comprehension on a universal scale is unintuitive
yet more important than ever before.

Two technological shifts that are currently happening have
transformative qualities way beyond anything else we’ve seen
since the introduction of computing.

Artificial Intelligence

Within just four hours of training AlphaGo Zero learned to play chess better than a purpose-built chess engine which got fine-tuned for almost a decade.

Logic as well as machine learning open doors to things previously thought impossible. We are about to see breakthroughs in all kinds of domains as well as emergence of new domains.

With great power comes great responsibility.


The decentralization aspects of blockchain technology introduce new indifferent primitives to build upon that traditionally required trust in corporations and governments.

The application domains are similar to those of artificial intelligence — difficult to enumerate. An open field of possibilities. From fundamental research to infrastructure to end-user experience and delight.

Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it
— Alan Kay

At Lemmings we’re especially eager to assist ventures with implications on universal scale. If you’re working on something you think we might be able to help with feel free to reach out and we’re more than happy to take a look.


Your venture does not have to have anything to do with artificial intelligence nor with blockchain technology to have universal implications. We just think they make useful building blocks.

