1st Portuguese Org Culture Meetup

Luis Alberto Simões
Lemon Works
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2015
Culture@Org Lisbon

Culture@Org Lisbon www.meetup.com/Culture-Org/

Together with Premium Minds and Rupeal, LemonWorks was involved in the organisation of the 1st Portguese organisational culture meetup. It took place on the 9th of July at LX Factory.

For the lineup two different tech companies shared their vision of how culture is important on a daily basis and some of their tips and tricks to hack it!

Outsystems and their small book

Gonlçalo Gaiolas sharing Outsystems culture hacks

Like some other known companies ( Facebook, Valve, Spaceship) Outsystems have their own book for newcomers that documents their culture and values.

Gonçalo Gaiolas shared the real secret:

It’s filled with storytelling of incredible things that really happened in Outsystems!

Take a look by yourself, be inspired, remix ideas and do a cool manual for your own company ;)

Skeptics have a special place at Premium Minds

Rodrigo Dias

Rodrigo Dias as head of organisational development in Premium Minds expressed is true care about Skeptics.

Skeptics are the ones that keep your feet on the ground

At premium minds culture is something that needs to be nourished with actions and not with values or fluffy sentences on the walls. Rodrigo shared that most of the times they are “skeptic” about writing down their culture or values in order not to strive for something that it’s not real.

By Skeptics, they don’t mean negative people, but instead about the ones that push you to reality, make the hard questions on the right moment and don’t let your culture live in a fairy tale outside your office.

See you on the next Culture@Org Meetup :)

