Go to fresca
Fresca is a collaborative blog that explores themes & perspectives in new & timeless music πŸ‹
Note from the editor

𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚 is a collaborative blog that explores themes and perspectives in music from a personal lens. We believe music is a powerful therapy and connects people together in a powerful way. We highlight the freshest, up-and-coming artists making statements in the industry, as well as the timeless artists whose music continues to influence our culture. follow us to never miss new content and dm us if you’d like to contribute!

Go to the profile of jacob wade
jacob wade
22 years old, writing on broad topics from music to culture to cities to my own life’s adventures and opinions. mtl/van
Go to the profile of Petra Chase
Petra Chase
Birdwatcher. Humour and music mostly. Co-founder of Fresca, a new collaborative music blog..
Go to the profile of Petra Chase
Petra Chase
Birdwatcher. Humour and music mostly. Co-founder of Fresca, a new collaborative music blog..
Go to the profile of jacob wade
jacob wade
22 years old, writing on broad topics from music to culture to cities to my own life’s adventures and opinions. mtl/van