New Direction

Henri Kivioja
Published in
1 min readNov 18, 2018

Some of you may have noticed that I have not been updating too much lately. There is a clear reason for that: I initially started with sharing of my learnings and thoughts around People, Agile, Coaching and similar topics. While they are still close and important to me, I have found even more interesting areas where I am learning more at this stage of my journey. It is about entrepreneurship, startups, growth, building a business, understanding technology, leadership, mentorship, management, networking…

I am committed for lifelong learning and probably the most eddective way to learn is trying tell to others how I understand the world.

This means that I will publish a lot from now on:

  • Lean Startup
  • Growth Hacking
  • IT and Digitalization
  • Media Transformation
  • CEO related
  • Board and legal
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Recruiting
  • Telecoms
  • Computing

Stay tuned!



Henri Kivioja
Editor for

CEO of Rain, business advocate and a seeker. Startups, new business and exciting life.