Amartha Secures Debt Financing of up to USD 50 million from Lendable to finance Women led Indonesian MSMEs

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4 min readFeb 24, 2021

Jakarta, 24 February 2021 — PT Amartha Mikro Fintek (Amartha) is a peer-to-peer (P2P) lending financial technology company that empowers women micro, small and medium entrepreneurs (MSMEs) in villages through capital and business assistance. Amartha has established a collaboration with Lendable Inc, a specialist emerging market debt provider that distributes capital to fintechs, to increase financial inclusion around the world. Through this partnership Lendable has established a USD 50 million facility with a committed amount of USD 10 million or IDR 140 billion for immediate use to support Amartha’s women led clients.

The market for female micro-entrepreneurs that are unbanked in Indonesia is estimated to reach 22 million. Amartha continues to be one of the leading platforms supporting this under-served segment. In 2020, Amartha successfully disbursed IDR 1.2 trillion, growing 15% from the previous year and still maintaining its strong portfolio quality.

Chief Investment Officer of Lendable, Hani Ibrahim remarked “Gender lens investing is a critical development goal in the emerging and frontier markets. We have been impressed with the energy and dedication that the Amartha team have poured into promoting financial inclusion for female micro-entrepreneurs in rural Indonesia. Amartha’s objectives very much align with Lendable’s commitment as a 2X eligible firm and our aim of supporting the unbanked and underbanked segments of society by providing debt to fintechs that deliver crucial services. We are honoured to be establishing this partnership with Pak Taufan and the Amartha team.”

Founder and CEO Amartha, Andi Taufan Garuda Putra explained “Amartha welcomes the cooperation and trust given by Lendable to distribute funds to Amartha’s borrowers. Lendable’s support validates Amartha’s view that MSMEs in Indonesia are considered to have strong resilience during the pandemic and can even take advantage of the pandemic’s momentum to grow even bigger.” in a press release in Jakarta, (24/2/2021).

Head of Asia Origination for Lendable, Aaron Collett, stated “Establishing such a relationship in Indonesia during the current turbulent times requires a collaborative and trusting partnership. With Amartha’s experienced and dedicated team we are confident in the resilience of their business. Having worked closely with the Amartha team during this transaction, we have been impressed how Amartha has been able to build a high-quality scalable business that reaches a critical yet hard to serve segment of the Indonesian population”.

Ramdhan, Chief Financial Officer Amartha, added “It is an honor to have Lendable’s support in our mission to provide capital and develop womenpreneurs in villages. It is a seal of testament to our exceptional business model and internal prudence, even during some of the hardest times for the world”.

About Amartha

Amartha, as a pioneer in P2P Lending in Indonesia, has so far channeled funding of IDR 3.13 trillion to 606,795 women micro entrepreneurs in Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi. Amartha has developed financial technology services coupled with a digital adaptation strategy for the MSME segment in the village to increase income, reduce expenses, protection, and investment.

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About Lendable

Lendable is a leading debt provider to fintech companies across frontier and emerging markets. Founded in 2015, they have provided commercial financing to fintech companies across Africa, Asia and Latin America including off-grid energy companies, MSME lenders, consumer lenders, and asset finance companies. Lendable has deployed over $100m to fintechs that are enabling financial inclusion.

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Amartha Terima Komitmen untuk Salurkan USD 20 Juta Permodalan UKM dari Lendable

Jakarta, 24 Februari 2021 — PT Amartha Mikro Fintek atau Amartha adalah perusahaan teknologi keuangan (fintech) peer to peer lending (P2P Lending) yang memberdayakan perempuan pengusaha mikro dan kecil (UMK) di desa melalui permodalan dan pendampingan usaha, bekerjasama dengan Lendable, perusahaan yang menyalurkan permodalan kepada fintech untuk memberikan akses keuangan kepada masyarakat dunia yang berbasis di Amerika Serikat. Melalui kerja sama ini, Lendable berkomitmen menyalurkan modal usaha sebesar USD 20 juta atau sekitar Rp 280 Miliar kepada peminjam atau Mitra Amartha.

Head of Asia Organization Lendable, Aaron Collett mengatakan, menjalin kerjasama dengan Amartha adalah suatu kehormatan sekaligus menjadi awal perjalanan luar biasa untuk mensejahterakan perempuan pengusaha mikro di desa.

“Berbisnis di Indonesia dalam situasi pandemi dan resesi ekonomi membutuhkan kepercayaan yang besar, dengan Amartha kami sangat yakin dengan ketangguhan bisnis mereka. Dengan dukungan tim yang berdedikasi, Amartha telah dapat menjalankan bisnis scalable menjangkau segmen yang sulit dilayani”.

Sejak 2015 Landable telah menyalurkan permodalan kepada Individu melalui fintech. Fintech dianggap sebagai cara tepat sebagai batu loncatan untuk dapat memberikan akses layanan keuangan kepada masyarakat. Lendable adalah perusahaan induk dari grup Lendable (“Lendable”) yang mencakup anak perusahaan Lendable Asset Management LLC, Dyno Labs Limited, dan Dynolabs Asset Management Ltd.

Founder dan CEO Amartha, Andi Taufan Garuda Putra, menjelaskan, Amartha menyambut baik kerjasama dan kepercayaan yang diberikan Lendable untuk menyalurkan pendanaan kepada Mitra Amartha.

“Hal ini dapat menjadi indikator bahwa UMK di Indonesia dinilai memiliki daya tahan yang kuat selama masa pandemi, bahkan dapat memanfaatkan momentum pandemi untuk dapat tumbuh lebih besar lagi,” ujar Andi Taufan melalui siaran persnya di Jakarta, Selasa(24/2/2021).

Segmen perempuan pengusaha mikro unbankable di Indonesia mencapai 22 juta, hal ini menjadikan Amartha sebagai salah satu media yang tepat untuk dapat menjangkau segmen tersebut. Di 2020, Amartha telah berhasil menyalurkan Rp 1.2 Triliun, tumbuh 15% dari tahun sebelumnya dengan menjaga kualitas TKB 90.

Ramdhan, Chief Financial Officer Amartha, menambahkan “Merupakan suatu kehormatan memiliki dukungan Lendable dalam misi kami untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan perempuan di desa-desa. Ini adalah meterai bukti model bisnis kami yang luar biasa dan kehati-hatian internal, bahkan selama masa-masa tersulit di dunia”.

Amartha sebagai perusahaan pionir fintech p2p lending di Indonesia, hingga saat ini telah menyalurkan pendanaan Rp 3,13 Triliun kepada 606,795 perempuan pengusaha mikro di Jawa, Sumatera dan Sulawesi. Amartha telah mengembangkan layanan teknologi keuangan yang dibarengi dengan strategi adaptasi digital kepada segmen UMK di desa untuk meningkatkan pendapatan, mengurangi pengeluaran, proteksi dan investasi.

