Community Update

June 30, 2021

Lendefi Protocol
3 min readJun 30, 2021


The Lendefi protocol has successfully migrated onto the Binance Smart Chain testnet.

In our latest update, we are excited to inform our community about developments of the protocol, user interface and infrastructure.


The audit of the Lendefi protocol is currently underway. In the interest of transparency, we will be sharing full audit details with our community, once the audit is complete. Details will be made public on or before Lendefi’s mainnet deployment.

Testnet Deployment

On June 28th, the Lendefi protocol was deployed onto the Binance Smart Chain testnet. A total of 35 contracts were deployed and they are currently being tested for security and functionality. The testing also includes the tweaking of settings and redeployment after adjustments. The amendment process is being documented in preparation for deployment onto the Binance Smart Chain mainnet.

User Interface Design

The design of Lendefi’s user interface has undergone several iterations to achieve a new level of maturity. Significant developments have been achieved in the following areas:

  • Desktop
  • Mobile Device
  • Dark Modes

The final versions of the user interface design are almost complete and reflected in the images below.

Note: The pink stripes in the images below are used to denote grid alignment to assist Lendefi’s developers with integration. They are not visible in the final product.

Desktop Design

Mobile Device Design

Dark Modes

Infrastructure Development

Lendefi’s Liquidator and REST API have been deployed and subsequently connected to the Binance Smart Chain testnet. Our web user interface has also been deployed directly into Cloudflare. This removes the server requirement for the Lendefi user interface.

Mainnet Launch

We are rapidly moving towards our mainnet launch which is scheduled for the 12th of July. Our third party audit is part of a comprehensive security approach that includes the testnet deployment and our upcoming Bug Bounty program.

Lendefi is already live on the Binance Smart Chain testnet and open to selected testers. After initial testing we will open the testnet version to the public.

The next two weeks are going to be an exciting time for the Lendefi community!

The Lendefi protocol will deliver leveraged trading and secured lending for cryptocurrency markets. Utilizing an undercollateralized loan model, Lendefi facilitates a trustless relationship between lender and borrower, managed by the protocol to remove counterparty risk.

For further information please join our global Telegram group, visit our website, join our Twitter feed or inspect our Gitbook documentation.



Lendefi Protocol

Lendefi is an innovative DeFi platform that delivers leveraged trading via secured undercollateralized loans.