Lendefi Community Action

Community marketing initiatives make us strong!

Lendefi Protocol
4 min readAug 8, 2021


Lendefi’s community represents a significant value that can be leveraged for the benefit of all LDFI token holders. One of the most exciting aspects of blockchain development is the ability for communities to engage with projects and impact their success. This potential can be leveraged to assist in the promotion and visibility of Lendefi and its tokens.

Now that Lendefi’s testnet has been opened, in preparation for the mainnet launch, we are exploring ways in which our community can assist in Lendefi’s marketing efforts.

Lendefi’s protocol facilitates the leveraged trading of digital assets along with the generation of interest payments through undercollateralized loans. It delivers advantages to traders, as well as owners of digital assets wishing to generate income from their holdings. Lendefi offers options for both long and short investing positions which brings value during both bull and bear markets. We discussed this in greater detail in our Medium post, Trading: The Long & Short Positions.

Lendefi’s testnet is now open for user acceptance testing, which will be followed by a bug bounty and mainnet launch. These milestones will provide excellent opportunities for Lenefi’s community to become engaged in the promotion of LDFI to the wider marketplace. Coordinating our efforts holds a strong potential to improve Lendefi’s market presence!

Lendefi is lucky to have a vibrant and committed community in our global telegram group. We have seen valuable input coming in from our community and we’d like to acknowledge this.

Some of the practical steps the Lendefi community can take to support are represented across a variety of platforms.


We’ve seen an excellent response from Lendefi’s community in creating Twitter posts and our community members showing strong significant support for them. The Lendefi community can increase the frequency and support of these posts as we cross our upcoming milestones. Keep dropping the links in our Telegram group!

Furthermore, Lendefi community members can remember to regularly search for the tag $LDFI on Twitter to like, comment and retweet the appropriate posts.


Reddit holds significant potential to raise awareness of Lendefi and its native LDFI tokens. There are examples of projects that have successfully raised the visibility of their tokens through posting here.

As Lendefi moves towards crossing our upcoming milestones we will be posting on Reddit and will rely on our community members to support and comment to generate traction. We will also be encouraging community members who are active on Reddit to do the same.


Lendefi will be looking to identify appropriate Telegram communities that members can join to make comments regarding the crossing of Lendefi’s milestones. We do not condone spamming or irrelevant posting, as this does not assist Lendefi’s endeavours. However, appropriate and well-crafted comments are useful.

Token Tracking & Voting Websites

There are a number of websites that track tokens and allow voting on tokens. This allows our community to contribute to Lendefi’s visibility by actively going to these sites and upvoting Lendefi’s LDFI token. This process only takes a few seconds and has the potential to raise wider awareness of Lendefi as we near mainnet launch. An updated list of all the token tracking websites Lendefi is listed on can be found here.

Lendefi’s Ambassador Program

Lendefi has created an ambassador program to reward the best community members for their support. This creates a symbiotic feedback loop between active LDFI holders and Lendefi’s marketing activities. We are currently in the process of upgrading this program. If you feel your posts are strong, you are welcome to join Lendefi’s ambassador program by registering here.

It’s important to reiterate that we have a valuable resource in our committed community. With a little effort, this can be leveraged to promote Lendefi’s legitimate achievements as we move towards mainnet launch. This can only help to raise awareness of Lendefi within the cryptocurrency community and assist Lendefi’s marketing efforts. We are stronger when we work together.

Lendefi Community Teamwork

Lendefi will coordinate our marketing program to maximize the impact of planned marketing initiatives on specific dates. Community members are encouraged to drop the links of their posts in our Lendefi’s global Telegram group so that we can all support each other.

In an effort to manage our community’s expectations Lendefi has been careful with the release of specific milestone dates. However, as we become confident of these dates, we will provide insights to the community so efforts and further marketing can be coordinated.

We are always happy to have input on marketing initiatives from our community. Constructive input is always welcome, either as comments to this article, comments in our global telegram group. We’ve also created a feedback form which you can fill out here.

This is going to be an exciting time for Lendefi as we cross the final development milestones. They provide an opportunity for our community to participate in Lendefi’s Community Action for the benefit of all LDFI token holders.

There is strength in numbers!

The Lendefi protocol will deliver leveraged trading and secured lending for cryptocurrency markets. Utilizing an undercollateralized loan model, Lendefi facilitates a trustless relationship between lender and borrower, managed by the protocol to remove counterparty risk.

For further information please join our global Telegram group, visit our website, join our Twitter feed or inspect our Gitbook documentation.



Lendefi Protocol

Lendefi is an innovative DeFi platform that delivers leveraged trading via secured undercollateralized loans.