Creative Commons photo by termakashih0.

Text with Solution Set

We’re partnering with GroundSource to create an SMS version of our weekly reports.

Joseph Lichterman
2 min readSep 4, 2018


Solution Set is all about experimentation.

Each week, we cover the innovative ways news organizations are trying to reach audiences and provide value to their communities.

And now we’re going to launch an experiment of our own.

Starting this week, we’re partnering with GroundSource to create a text message version of Solution Set. We’re calling it a textletter. GroundSource’s Simon Galperin has written more about the thinking behind the project here.

This is how the textletter will work: Every Thursday, via text, you’ll receive an SMS version of Solution Set, links to additional resources, and a preview of upcoming issues. You’ll also be able to ask me questions directly; share experiences from your own news org; and offer tips, suggestions, and feedback. I’ll share some of the responses back to the whole community as well.

You can sign up for the Solution Set textletter by texting SOLUTION to (215) 544–3542, visiting, or by clicking through to this form:

Medium doesn’t let us embed forms — boo! — click on the image to get the sign up form. Sorry for the extra step!

And since Solution Set is all about sharing learnings, I’ll share regular updates on how our texting experiment is going — both what’s working and not working — and highlight some of the lessons we learn along the way.

Thanks for joining us for this this experiment. I’ll text you on Thursday with the latest Solution Set!

