Conversations in AR: Alie Jackson

Lens Studio
Lens Studio
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2018

To inspire a new generation of AR enthusiasts, we are profiling Snapchat’s Official Lens Creators in our ongoing series “Conversations in AR.”

Official Lens Creator Alie Jackson is a multimedia artist and Art Director at Project C, an entertainment marketing shop in Austin, Texas. Alie uses Lens Studio as a creative outlet for her personal artistic work. Her abstract and collage-like Lenses have been viewed over one million times!

How did you get started started making Lenses?

I’ve been doing my own art on the side, and I had a residency at a pop-up art event. I wanted to build an installation, but there was really no budget or time. I was trying to figure out a way to make an accessible, immersive experience digitally.

I knew about Lens Studio through work, so I experimented with it and incorporated my fine arts style. I also thought about it through a marketing perspective. I knew the core demographic of people who were going to be at the pop-up were 20–35 years old and likely already had Snapchat on their phone. So that’s how I got into it, necessity through art.

Describe your Lens style.

My work in general is more art-based, almost a collage style. I use a lot of fragmented self portraiture. It’s almost like little Easter eggs of me around places.

What’s your favorite Lens that you have created?

The first one. It’s called Teeth, and it’s my most popular Lens. I also really like the most recent one I did with the marker template fences.

Do you design Lenses for a specific demographic?

Only for my one art show in particular since I knew certain people would be there.

As far as making the Lenses themselves, no. I’m the demographic, so it’s more of an art than a client-based thing. Then, whoever looks at it after that just happens to look at it. Whether they’re old, young, or in between.

Any favorite clients or projects?

I’ve art directed a few Lenses through my agency. We did the most recent American Horror Story Lens, “Candle Face.” That was pretty awesome.

I also did work with a non-profit organization called Boss Babes in Austin. I made a Lens for Babes Fest, their festival. Babes Fest was my favorite client because they are friends of mine. So, it was a lot of fun.

What does the OLC community mean to you?

When I first started, I was surprised at how much people are willing to help each other and give advice. The peer to peer support system in the OLC program is great! It’s incredible how easy it was to connect with everyone both online and at Lens Fest even though we all live in different parts of the world and have such diverse skill sets.

What is your first memory with technology?

My dad worked for Dell, so I remember him bringing home our first PC. It was a giant, massive thing that sat on our kitchen table. You couldn’t really do that much with it. It’s definitely nostalgic.

What is your first memory with AR?

It would probably have to be a face filter, without even realizing that was AR at the time.

What do you do when you’re not creating Lenses?

Going to see live music and being outdoors with my dogs!

