Type driven API development using Scala and Tapir

Andrea Fiore
Published in
10 min readJan 12, 2021

In a previous post, I have discussed at length why, in order to grow a mature API driven product, we need a mechanism to keep API documentation and implementations in sync. It’s now time for me to illustrate how such a mechanism might look like in the backend; so let’s get our hands dirty and write some code!

In this post, I will use Tapir — an excellent open source library by Softwaremill — to demonstrate a code first approach to API development in Scala.

The plan is to work our way through building a couple of REST endpoints for managing Kafka ACLs. For the sake of simplicity, we will only be creating and listing ACL rules; which is only a subset of all the operations we would need for a complete API. Also, we will deliberately gloss over the actual persistence of the ACL rules into an actual datastore (e.g. Zookeeper or similar), and we will simply store them in-memory. Similarly, I will briefly cover how Tapir can handle authentication and authorisation, but for simplicity I will leave this unimplemented in most of my code samples.

Kafka ACLs (Access control lists) are a built-in authorisation mechanism whereby administrators can control access to a cluster’s data. In a nutshell, a Kafka ACL binding comprises of the following key attributes:

  • A resource on which to perform some sort of operation
  • The operation itself (which varies, depending on the resource)
  • A principal (i.e. the entity to be authorised)
  • A permission type (i.e. can be either Allow or Deny)

In Scala, we would model acls as follows:

Here we define an immutable record type called AclBinding; in Scala parlance, a case class. This wraps a resource pattern and an entity, which combined represent an ACL authorisation rule (please refer to the Kafka 2.5 Javadoc for the possible values of enumerables such us ResourceType, PatternType, or Operation). This is the only entity our API will revolve around, and here is how we can define some sample values:

Now, let’s move on to defining a REST endpoint to create a Kafka ACL!

Strongly typed endpoint definitions

In Tapir, REST endpoints are described as values of type Endpoint[I, E, O, S] where:

  • I is a tuple representing the various endpoint inputs (e.g. dynamic path fragments, query params, as well as its parsed request payload).
  • E and O are output types for the error (e.g. 400 Bad Request) and the success (2xx) case.
  • S is the type of streams that are used by the endpoint's inputs/outputs. This is relevant only for more advanced use cases such as defining Server Sent Events and Websocket endpoints, which we will not be covering in this post.

In order to declare such complex type definitions, the library provides us with a builder syntax that allows us to incrementally declare our endpoint’s inlets and outlets bit by bit, with a high degree of precision:

There’s quite a lot going on here already, so let’s start unpacking it bit by bit:

We start building the endpoint using the constructor value endpoint of type Enpoint[Unit, Unit, Unit, Nothing]. This acts as the entry point into the Tapir DSL. Using such syntax, we also specify that:

  • Our endpoint’s uses the http method POST
  • it will be bound to the path /api/kafka/acls
  • it will expect a header called x-api-token as well as a JSON request body (parsable as AclBinding) as its input
  • On success, it will respond with a status code of 201 Created and an empty response payload.
  • On error, it will respond with the JSON representation of an ApiError.

With our first endpoint defined in all its nitty gritty details, it’s now time move on and implement the underlying logic. But first, let’s quickly flash out another endpoint to list the persisted Acls:

Wiring up our business logic

As mentioned before, we plan on stubbing the persistence of our ACL bindings into a in-memory structure. However, in order to do so we will still need to rely on a real HTTP server capable of handling incoming client requests.

For this post, I have chosen to use Http4s, a library that allows to work with HTTP in a purely functional style. Please do not run away if this is not your library of choice. As well as for Http4s, Tapir provides support for several other Scala HTTP server implementations such us Akka-HTTP, Play, Finatra, and Vert.X.

To start with, notice the sttp.tapir.server.http4s._ import. This brings in a bunch of implicit classes that extend our Endpoint[_,...] with a toRoutes method. toRoutes interprets the Tapir endpoint description into a org.http4.HttpRoutes[IO] (i.e. the actual HTTP server implementation). Also, notice how the input, error and output types of the two routes are fully aligned with the ones of our endpoint definitions. It is by this aliment mechanism that the library provides us with strong compile-time guarantees that our implementation won't drift away from the generated docs, and that our system will do exactly what it says on the tin.

Let’s now look at the two route implementations. In createNewAcl, we pass the parsed payload aclBinding as an input for AclValidation.isValid. For simplicity, I am omitting the actual implementation of the AclValidation object. For the sake of example, let's say that isValid performs some simple logic to verify that the supplied combination of our Acl's ResourceType and Operation is valid as per the reference table in the Confluent docs. If the validation succeeds and a Right(()) is returned, we simply update our in memory store by adding the new acl binding. If the validation fails, we instead return a Left wrapping an ApiError value.

The implementation of listAcls is equally simple. Here we read from our store, apply an optional ResourceType filter, and return the resulting set of acls as a list. Unlike with the createNewAcl, we don't expect this endpoint to ever return a Bad Request, so we type its error as Unit.

Aside from reading and writing to the atomic reference aclStore, our ACL handling code here is pretty much pure and side-effect free. However, Tapir models the logic used to interpret the endpoint into an actual route as a function of the following shape: I => IO[Either[E, O], or more generically I => F[Either[E, O]. This makes sense, as most read world API endpoints perform some sort of effectful computation such us opening sockets, interacting with a datastore, or reading/writing to disk.

Authentication and other common route logic

While in the endpoint definitions above we do specify an x-api-token header, you might have noticed that we haven't yet implemented any logic around this mandatory input. As it currently stands, our server logic is in fact completely insecure, and we should probably do something about it!

One simple way to approach this would be to implement an authentication helper function like the following and reuse it across all the endpoints we want to secure:

def userOrApiError [A](token: ApiToken)(logic: User => IO[Either[]]): IO[Either[ApiError, A]]

For instance, we would extend the createNewAcl route as follows:

This might look okay in a small code-base like ours, but it will probably not fly on a large one, as the boilerplate and the nesting of helper functions like userOrApiError will increase as our cross-cutting concerns become more complex and involved.

Luckily for us, the authors of Tapir have recently come up with a nicer pattern to handle common logic such as authentication and authorisation. This revolves around the notion of partially defined endpoints which can combine an input/output description with some server logic:

Both the endpoint definition and the server logic in secureEndpoint can now be neatly composed into other definitions:

For more details on partial endpoints and other ways in which Tapir allows to abstract common logic, please refer to the the Server Logic section of the official docs.

Hitting our endpoints

Okay, so we have a couple of endpoints defined and implemented. Now we should probably check that they work as expected. One way to do so without having to bind an actual web server to a port is to use Http4s DSL and hit our routes programmatically, as we would do in a simple unit test covering only the route logic.

Here we just setup the boilerplate needed to run some HTTP request through our web service: We initialise a store and the AclRoutes, and then we compose the two routes above into a single http service which will fallback to a 404 response should it fail to match the incoming request. With some help from the http4s DSL, we can now fire a few requests at our endpoints!

Hurray! Our endpoints seem to work as expected.

Interpreting into an OpenAPI spec

With both endpoint declaration, implementation and testing covered, we are finally ready to look into how Tapir helps us writing and maintaining high quality API docs. This is surprisingly straightforward as it only involves grouping our endpoint definitions into a sequence and use a simple DSL to build an OpenAPI spec: a machine readable specification detailing all the relevant attributes of our endpoints, from the query parameters to the JSON schema of the request/response payloads.

Notice that the value returned by toOpenAPI is a syntax tree modelling an OpenAPI spec. Once computed, this syntax tree can be modified and extended using plain Scala functions. Most of the times, this is something you will not need doing, but it can provide a good escape hatch should you need to produce OpenAPI specs in a way that for some reason Tapir doesn't support.

As a final step, you will probably want to serialise the spec into YAML so that it can be exported or served to the browser as an HTTP response:

As a format, OpenAPI is agnostic of its presentation. However, several web-based UI tools exist to browse and interact with OpenAPI specs. This is how our endpoints look like when viewed in SwaggerUI, one of the most popular OpenAPI viewer:

Interpreting into an API client

Automatically generating API docs from our endpoint definitions is great, but it doesn’t have to end there; we can be more ambitious and automate more aggressively! As well as an OpenAPI spec, Tapir can also interpret an endpoint definition into a fully functioning API client:

The snippet above illustrates how to use Tapir to generate HTTP requests for the Sttp client. The toSttpRequestUnsafe function brought in by the sttp.tapir.client.sttp import, takes in two parameters:

  • A baseUrl for our API server
  • The endpoint inputs, as specified in the above definition (in this example, a Touple2 containing the api key and the supplied ACL binding).

Compared to our previous snippet, where we hit our endpoints using the Http4s DSL, this approach has some significant advantages: the generated Tapir API client neatly abstracts away the details of the HTTP implementation as well as the serialisation format, exposing only a function that maps our API inputs to its outputs.

Arguably, working at this level of abstraction is for most engineers preferable than having to be bogged down into the details of hand-wiring HTTP requests. Moreover, it is also safer, as it rules out a whole class of trivial and yet very frequent programming errors (e.g. misspelling the API key header, omitting part of the ACL JSON payload, etc) while reducing the likelihood for the client implementation to go out of sync with the server.


In this post, I have tried to demonstrate Tapir’s main features by working through the implementation of a REST API for creating and listing Kafka ACLs. We saw how endpoint definitions, expressed as Scala types, can drive the implementation of both server side logic while at the same time automatically generate up-to-date API docs, as well as fully functioning API clients.

Now, before you set off to introduce Tapir in your production code-base, please let me also share a few words of warning:

Firstly, despite its increasingly rich set of features and integrations, keep in mind that Tapir is still a relatively young project with only a couple of years of active development under his belt. While it is definitely reaching maturity, I would still expect its API to occasionally introduce some breaking changes, which might make it harder to retrofit into a large existing project.

Secondly, like with every software framework, do keep in mind that all the good automation and safety that Tapir brings about comes at a cost. You will have to face a slightly higher degree of indirection, as the library centralises control over settings and behaviours that you would otherwise be able to control on a single route/endpoint basis (e.g. handling of unparsable input payloads, handling of exceptions, etc).

Also, be prepared to dive into some deep Scala rabbit holes, as Tapir leverages advanced features of the language such as type-level programming, type-class derivation, macros, etc. In other words, this is something you probably want to stay clear from if you are still familiarising with the language.

That said, if you are not put off by either of the above, this might be a price worth paying in exchange for a higher degree of API integration, automation and consistency. I hope I have shared with you some of my enthusiasm for this excellent library, as I genuinely believe it makes building complex, API driven systems at scale easier and safer to a remarkable extent.

Finally, make sure to check out the final post closing this series. In his post, my colleague Seb shows how to take advantage of the OpenApi spec in order to generate API client code for a component written in another language than Scala: our UI code-base.

