16 February: Connect

We reflect on the sacrifices borne by vulnerable people and driven by climate change.

In rural Cameroon, the effects of human-caused climate change have an unexpected consequence: less access to higher education. Cameroonians who live in rural villages have an income of $40-$50 per month. The sale of garden produce like plantains and cassava gives these families the means to educate their children and train them for employment beyond the village.

However, warmer temperatures and less rain have dramatically reduced the yield from family gardens. This results in less income, reducing access to education for the next generation of Cameroonians.

We meditate on the sacrifices that Cameroonian families make as a result of the choices we make in our own lives. We consider how we can sacrifice some of our excess consumption in pursuit of a more just world.

We invite you to connect with people who have a background that is different from your own. Perhaps your diocese has a sister diocese, or your children’s school friends come from abroad. Spend a few moments learning about how climate change affects the region you’re connected to. Pray for deeper relationships with those who are rooted there.

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34–35)



Global Catholic Climate Movement
Lenten Fast for Creation 2018

Pope Francis calls on Catholics to act against the unjust #ClimateCrisis. Join us as we strive to #LiveLaudatoSi.