17 February: Commit

We commit ourselves to living simply and in harmony with creation.

In his letter Laudato Si’, which was addressed not just to the Catholic Church but to “all people of good will,” Pope Francis wrote that “Nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live. We are part of nature, included in it and thus in constant interaction with it.” (62, 139).

Each of us is intertwined with the whole of creation, and each of us depends on it. From farmers to office professionals, the goods of creation make everything we do possible. The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe: all are part of God’s great work, as are we ourselves.

Recognizing that we are merely one thread in God’s fabric of creation, we dedicate ourselves to living rightfully.

We invite you to commit. Over the next 40 days, we will suggest actions to fast from harming our common home. Find a journal or another way of recording these lifestyle commitments. At the end of Lent, look back at the changes you have made and share them with friends and family.

“Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.” (Matt. 3:8)



Global Catholic Climate Movement
Lenten Fast for Creation 2018

Pope Francis calls on Catholics to act against the unjust #ClimateCrisis. Join us as we strive to #LiveLaudatoSi.