24 February: Recycle

Recycling makes best use of the materials we have extracted from the Earth. If you do not already recycle, investigate what facilities are available in your area, and make a plan with the members of your household or parish to recycle fully as much as you are able.

If you already recycle, set aside time for prayerful celebration with your household or parish. Take a moment to rejoice in your shared work to protect creation, and ensure that nothing is discarded that could be diverted to the recycling bin.

To guide your conversations, reflect on this statement from former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams:

“God is involved in ‘building to last’, in creating a sustainable world and sustainable relationships with us human beings. He doesn’t give up on the material of human lives. He doesn’t throw it all away and start again. . . . God doesn’t do waste.”



Global Catholic Climate Movement
Lenten Fast for Creation 2018

Pope Francis calls on Catholics to act against the unjust #ClimateCrisis. Join us as we strive to #LiveLaudatoSi.