The Creative Essentials of Colleen Capola, Senior Producer

Family, friends and fitness. These are the things that keep Colleen creative inside and outside the walls of 35 W. Wacker

Leo Burnett
35 West Wacker
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2017


Community. That’s what keeps Senior Producer Colleen Capola inspired inside and outside the office. From being actively involved in charity organizations to creating lifelong friendships through sports, Colleen’s commitment to fostering a better community for all fuels her creativity.

Colleen first started working for Leo Burnett in 2000 as associate director, product quality. For more than 11 years, she led a team of quality experts that managed the print quality expectations for every account within the agency’s walls. Her team worked relentlessly to bridge the gap between creative teams and vendors to ensure the agency was producing the best quality campaigns — bar none.

Since 2011, she has worked as a senior producer, using a range of advertising platforms for her clients, including print, radio, digital, video, out-of-home, retail, events and more.

As a loyal Burnetter of nearly 18 years, Colleen also plays an important part in Leo Burnett’s community.

She is one of the executive directors of WomanKind and is extremely active with Leo Love charities, dedicating her time and heart to Off The Street Club. Outside the office, she sits on the board of the East Central Leadership Council for the American Cancer Society.

So how does Colleen fuel her energy and creativity throughout the day? Here are the items that keep Colleen inspired and motivated on a daily basis.

Family Pictures
These are pictures of my parents and grandparents on both sides. Both my parents have passed, and not a day goes by that I don’t think of them and thank them for making me the person that I am.

FitCode T-shirt
I start every day at 5:15 a.m. in the gym. It’s a part of my life that I wouldn’t change — I love it and the friends I’ve made there.

Half Marathon Medal
I decided to tackle the half marathon during the ice bucket challenge fad — it was my way of conquering something I never thought I could, while running for a great cause.

16-inch Softball
I’ve been playing softball now for over 30 years, it’s a huge part of my life. Many, many of my lifelong friendships came to be through playing softball.

Moe Mac was a dear friend of mine that passed away a few years back. I keep that pin on my dresser to remind myself that she’s always with me.

Christian Pin
I love that little guy. Three years ago he was going through heart surgery at Lurie’s — this year he walked into pre-school all by himself! He’s an inspiration to many.

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Leo Burnett
35 West Wacker

Leo Burnett Worldwide believes in using creativity to drive dynamic business change for its clients, which include many of the world’s most valued brands.