Typescript 5.0 Upgrades and Breaking Changes

Leo Liao | 廖鴻林
Leo Liao
Published in
22 min readMar 23, 2023


由於工作上剛好需要Survey Typescript 5.0,最近也不斷地在讓自己有Output,才有了這篇文章。各人覺得這次升版對我來說異動比較大的是Type Checking與Package Size、Build Time的Optimization,以下會根據官方文件的內容做一次簡單的介紹。

Typescript在2023年1月時發佈了Typescript 5.0 Beta版本,之後在同年3月正式Release Typescript 5.0


以下定義一個Person class,實體化並呼叫裡面的function。

class Person {
name: string;
constructor(name: string) {
this.name = name;
greet() {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}.`);
const p = new Person("Leo");


greet() {
console.log("LOG: Entering method.");
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}.`);
console.log("LOG: Exiting method.")

但這不符合AOP(Aspect-Oriented Programming)的設計概念,會影響到原本的程式邏輯,且當你需要大量log時會在各個地方都這樣使用,非常費時費工,在typescript裡的解決方法就是使用Decorator

只要宣告decorator function掛在需要的層級上,以橫切的角度介入,就可以不影響既有的程式邏輯,如下:

function loggedMethod(originalMethod: any, _context: any) {
function replacementMethod(this: any, ...args: any[]) {
console.log("LOG: Entering method.")
const result = originalMethod.call(this, ...args);
console.log("LOG: Exiting method.")
return result;
return replacementMethod;

class Person {
name: string;
constructor(name: string) {
this.name = name;
greet() {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}.`);
const p = new Person("Leo");

以上是既有的typescript knowledge,仔細看會發現decorator function裡充斥著any型別,typescript不是為了要解決javascript的無型別問題才存在的嗎,所以在Typescript 5.0裡修正了這個問題。


context裡存放的是關於這個target的metadata,可以透過類似const methodName = String(context.name);的方式拿到相對應的資訊。


const greet = new Person('Leo').greet;
// TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')


  • 把這個method binding到這個class上
constructor(name: string) {
this.name = name;
this.greet = this.greet.bind(this);
  • 把function改為arrow function,防止this被重新綁定
greet = () => {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}.`);

這個問題透過這兩個方式就可以解決了,但不覺得在constructor裡binding function感覺不太好嗎?

在Typescript 5.0裡提供了第三個方法,讓你直接以decorator處理掉這個問題,你可以先把剛剛調整的constructor binding或arrow function復原。

Typescript 5.0先對context提供了interfaceClassMethodDecoratorContext,這個interface內有一個function addInitializer,可以提供一個callback當作參數給這個function讓它在初始化後執行。透過這個addInitializer綁定this到原本的class上,如下:

function bound(originalMethod: any, context: ClassMethodDecoratorContext) {
const methodName = context.name;
if (context.private) {
throw new Error(`'bound' cannot decorate private properties like ${methodName as string}.`);
context.addInitializer(function () {
this[methodName] = this[methodName].bind(this);

class Person {
name: string;
constructor(name: string) {
this.name = name;
greet() {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}.`);
const greet = new Person("Ron").greet;

在Typescript 5.0以前,如果要使用Decorator需要在tsconfig.json裡開啟experimentalDecorators。 如果在Typescript 5.0這麼做會沿用舊版的Decorator機制,如果要使用新版的直接取消experimentalDecorators配置即可,並且新的Decorator機制不兼容--emitDecoratorMetadata


//  allowed
@register export default class Foo {
// ...
// also allowed
export default @register class Bar {
// ...
// error - before *and* after is not allowed
@before export @after class Bar {
// ...


function loggedMethod<This, Args extends any[], Return>(
target: (this: This, ...args: Args) => Return,
context: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<This, (this: This, ...args: Args) => Return>
) {
const methodName = String(context.name);

function replacementMethod(this: This, ...args: Args): Return {
console.log(`LOG: Entering method '${methodName}'.`)
const result = target.call(this, ...args);
console.log(`LOG: Exiting method '${methodName}'.`)
return result;

return replacementMethod;

Const Type Refer


type HasNames = { readonly names: string[] };
function getNamesExactly<T extends HasNames>(arg: T): T["names"] {
return arg.names;

// Inferred type: string[]
const names = getNamesExactly({ names: ["Alice", "Bob", "Eve"] });

如果要推斷為更具體的型別如["Alice", "Bob", "Eve"],Typescript 4.x提供針對參數轉換型別為const

const names = getNamesExactly({ names: ["Alice", "Bob", "Eve"] } as const);

在Typescript 5.0給出另一個解決方法,在宣告時可以針對泛型推斷為const,如下:

interface HasNames { names: readonly string[] }
function getNamesExactly<const T extends HasNames>(arg: T): T['names'] {
return arg.names;

// Inferred type: ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Eve']
const names = getNamesExactly({ names: ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Eve'] })


declare function fnBad<const T extends string[]>(args: T): void;
// 'T' is still 'string[]' since 'readonly ["a", "b", "c"]' is not assignable to 'string[]'
fnBad(["a", "b" ,"c"]);

declare function fnGood<const T extends readonly string[]>(args: T): void;
// T is readonly ["a", "b", "c"]
fnGood(["a", "b" ,"c"]);

declare function fnBad2<const T extends readonly string[]>(args: T): void;
const arr = ["a", "b" ,"c"];
// 'T' is still 'string[]'-- the 'const' modifier has no effect here

Multiple extension config

Typescript 5.0支援多個extension config,當config裡設置欄位衝突時,由排序較後者優先(後蓋前),如下:

"extends": ["t", "b", "c"], // c > b > a
"compilerOptions": {
// ...

Initialize Enum Value

enum 可以透過function initialize value.

enum E {
Blah = Math.random()

const prefix = '/data';
enum DateEnum {
User = `${prefix}/user`,
File = `${prefix}/file`

moduleResolution bundler


在Typescript 4.7中,針對tsconfigmodulemoduleResolution屬性新增了node16nodenext,雖然提供了兩種新的作法,但在bundler上node16nodenext的設置還是太麻煩,所以大部分情境還是適合原本的node

如果是使用Vite、esbuild、swc、Webpack與Parcel,在這些打包工具都有自己的import strategy,Typescript 5.0提出新的bundler策略會更適合這些工具,在打包時不會去不會去執行ESM的strict resolution rules,並且多了allowImportingTsExtensionsresolvePackageJsonExportsresolvePackageJsonImportsallowArbitraryExtensionscustomConditions幾個參數的配置。

"compilerOptions": {
"target": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "bundler"


Typescript預設會做import elision,在轉換成Javascript時,會將引入的型別省略掉,如下:

import { Car } from "./car";

export function drive(car: Car) {
// ...
// JS
export function drive(car) {
// ...

Typescript 5.0新增了一個新的--verbatimModuleSyntax選項,只要使用type關鍵字的import,最後都會被elision,如下:

// Erased away entirely.
import type { A } from "a";
// Rewritten to 'import { b } from "bcd";'
import { b, type c, type d } from "bcd";
// Rewritten to 'import {} from "xyz";'
import { type xyz } from "xyz";


Support export type *


// models/vehicles.ts
export class Spaceship {
// ...

// models/index.ts
export type * as vehicles from "./vehicles";

// main.ts
import { vehicles } from "./models";

function takeASpaceship(s: vehicles.Spaceship) {
// ok - `vehicles` only used in a type position

function makeASpaceship() {
return new vehicles.Spaceship();
// ^^^^^^^^
// 'vehicles' cannot be used as a value because it was exported using 'export type'.

@satisfies in JSDoc

在Typescript 4.9提供satisfies,用來定義兼容某個類型,且satisfies能自動推斷類型:

interface CompilerOptions {
strict?: boolean;
outDir?: string;
// ...

interface ConfigSettings {
compilerOptions?: CompilerOptions;
extends?: string | string[];
// ...
let myConfigSettings = {
compilerOptions: {
strict: true,
outDir: "../lib",
// ...
extends: [
} satisfies ConfigSettings;
interface IConfig {
a: string | number;
const value = { a: 2 } satisfies IConfig;
// value.a is number type

在Typescript 5.0將satisfies也放入JSDoc的參數中,可以用來推斷是否符合剛型別:

// @ts-check

* @typedef CompilerOptions
* @prop {boolean} [strict]
* @prop {string} [outDir]
* @satisfies {CompilerOptions}
let myCompilerOptions = {
outdir: "../lib",
// ~~~~~~ oops! we meant outDir

@overload in JSDoc


function printValue(str: string): void;
function printValue(num: number, maxFractionDigits?: number): void;
function printValue(value: string | number, maximumFractionDigits?: number) {
if (typeof value === "number") {
const formatter = Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", {
value = formatter.format(value);

在Typescript 5.0,在JSDoc中也可以依據overload去定義多型的type check:

// @ts-check

* @overload
* @param {string} value
* @return {void}

* @overload
* @param {number} value
* @param {number} [maximumFractionDigits]
* @return {void}

* @param {string | number} value
* @param {number} [maximumFractionDigits]
function printValue(value, maximumFractionDigits) {
if (typeof value === "number") {
const formatter = Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", {
value = formatter.format(value);


Pass Flag to tsc --build

增加以下五種參數可以在typescript build的時候配置。

  • --declaration
  • --emitDeclarationOnly
  • --declarationMap
  • --sourceMap
  • --inlineSourceMap

Switch/case Completions

針對switch, 在寫case時,可以補全未完成的case。

Speed, Memory, and Package size Optimization

Typescript 5.0針對code structure, data structure, algorithm都進行了優化,下圖是各項情境以Typescript 4.9作為基礎的比較數據。

From https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-0/
From https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-0/
From https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-0/

Breaking Changes

Runtime Requirements





API Breaking Changes

Typescript 5.0整體朝向模組化,移除了一些不需要的interface,和一些錯誤的修正,可以參考以下變更。


Forbidden Implicit Coercions in Relational Operators

在Typescript 5.0以前只會檢查,+-*/

function func(ns: number | string) {
return ns * 4; // Error, possible implicit coercion

Typescript 5.0也會檢查><≤≥

function func(ns: number | string) {
return ns > 4; // Now also an error


Typescript 5.0針對Enum提供了以下改善:

定義超出Enum value的變數時,會報錯:

enum Test {
Zero = 0,
Two = 2,
Four = 4,

// In Typescript 4.9, not error
// In Typescript 5.0, show error
const test: Test = 1;
enum Letters {
A = "a"
enum Numbers {
one = 1,
two = Letters.A

// In Typescript 4.9, not error
// In Typescript 5.0, show error
// Type 'Numbers' is not assignable to type 'number'.ts(2322)
const t: number = Numbers.two;

Deprecations and Default Changes


在Typescript 5.0決定棄用以下參數或設定值

  • --target: ES3
  • --out
  • --noImplicitUseStrict
  • --keyofStringsOnly
  • --suppressExcessPropertyErrors
  • --suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors
  • --noStrictGenericChecks
  • --charset
  • --importsNotUsedAsValues
  • --preserveValueImports

這些配置目前是允許的,直到Typescript 5.5,這些配置將會被完全刪除。

Default Changes



在vscode,記得要shift+cmd+P > Select Typescript version > 換成workspace的typescript版本,不然你還是會看到一大堆type error唷!



Leo Liao | 廖鴻林
Leo Liao

Frontend Engineer | Web Developer,覺得分享經驗就跟潛水一樣,不知不覺在每段旅途中多認識了自己一點