What’s good in 2020?

Damian Winkowski
Published in
5 min readApr 14, 2020

The world has gone crazy.

Until recently, summaries of the last 10 years have been spreading on the Internet. Only increases, successes and ambitious plans for the next 10 years. And suddenly we have a crash -coronavirus, the black swan. In the beginning, we were watching it from a comfortable distance but at the current moment we are getting into this drum and it does not look great.

Many people will lose their jobs, some companies will fail. It all depends on how long the epidemic will spread around the world. Watching the blood flood that goes through the stock market there is something in it. Interesting and quite uncertain months await us. Each country has a slightly different approach to the virus (see the UK vs. Denmark or Poland, for example). What will come of it? We will see. Optimism seems hard to be found, but I will have a try to find it and share it with you!

What is good about the current situation? (in my opinion)

a) Family time

A large part of the world’s population is currently staying at home. Some work, some don’t. People are made to spend time with their families. It is finally the time when you can look at what kids are doing, teach them things that you had no time for before and do things TOGETHER. It is very necessary in the world in which we were always busy. Now there is nothing to run for as you have to stay away from the public.

b) Cleaning the apartment

Many of my friends (especially men) noticed how much unnecessary lumber they have in their apartments and started to organize the space. It turned out that their homes became a collection of useless items that only take space. Now it is a good time to take care of your place.

c) Books and educational arrears

Those who have no children have free evenings and weekends so they have time for self-improvement. It seems to be a better idea than spending this time with Netflix.

d) Reflection on your life

Times are uncertain so it is worth considering whether everything has been OK in my life so far. Think for a moment if the path you follow is really what results from your needs. I already had several conversations with my friends and it turned out that they made interesting discoveries.

e) Slow time

You don’t have to rush into the car or for the bus, no worries about being late. In the morning you eat breakfast and start working. I think that for some of us it is a way healthier than the mornings they had so far. Now it is a good possibility to develop healthy habits, such as regular yoga or exercising at home (I use Kettle Ball and do home workouts every second day).

f) A great social assistance experiment

There is a chance to help many people. For example, you can donate money for dinners for health service professionals or help organizations that give a hand to individuals in need. You can offer free advice or support anybody who finds the current time difficult. As a society, we should stick together and help each other.

g) Remote work and time saved

Again, you sit down to the computer and begin to operate. Do your stuff, take care of the family. You don’t have to sit from 8 am to 4 pm catching hours. Focusing on tasks and work results is much more valuable. Remote work can quickly teach you discipline and productivity.

h) New internet-based business models

The event/training industry is one of these that immediately collapsed (as events were cancelled), but it is also the one that is trying to effectively adapt to new circumstances (online conferences, webinars, training — all you need is the Internet, headphones some determination). Other industries will also receive a sign that every business will be partly digital. Customers not only spend their time on the web but they are spending, more and more funds there as well. It is worth to notice that when offline logistics is blocked or limited, there are no barriers ( for distribution or communication) on the net.

i) Distance from the world (less materialism and consumerism)

You are at home, so you do not wander around shops and restaurants. You are not traveling. Additionally, you know that it is smart to save as you do not know what will happen in a few months. Perhaps you will realize that you are not in need of all the things you have (and the things that you were going to purchase) to feel happy.

j) Cleaner air

In China, during the quarantine, a photo of the pollution map was taken before and after the virus outbreak. It turned out that the smog was almost gone!

k) Cooking

Many people were eating out and suddenly they are faced with the kitchen stove. It is a good school of life that gives you the possibility to work as a team with your children or partner.

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🦁If you have any questions related to the process of collaboration with external tech partners feel free to send me a message to damian.winkowski@leocode.com or just add me on Linkedin and let’s have a chat. I’m here to help!

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Damian Winkowski
Editor for

Xoogler, openminded, helping with great engineers from LEOCODE.COm