Background to Leonardo Render

Down the Path to the Future of Rendering

Leonardo Render
Leonardo Render
2 min readMay 11, 2018


Marco Iodice, CEO

The Leonardo Render story started four years ago when CTO, Marcin Gucki, began working on GPU virtualization for 3D rendering. Gucki had previously worked with IBM for several years, and whilst there had identified a hole in the market for a platform solution that efficiently connected rendering need to GPU availability, and that could work in parallel with massive numbers of GPUs. Commencing with a project called GPUBox, over the past four years Gucki’s ambition evolved into Leonardo Render after joining forces with CEO, Marco Iodice.

Iodice came from the world of advertising, where his abilities had landed him some of the best awards in the global industry including 7 coveted Cannes Lions. Iodice saw the incredible potential of Gucki’s ideas and for the opportunity to connect the technology to large-scale crypto mining farms.

Marcin Gucki, CTO

“Leonardo Render has really evolved from an observation about the disconnect between GPU infrastructure and the computational needs of CGI renderers into an incredibly exciting bridge between the world of blockchain and the world of CGI.” — Marcin Gucki, CTO

Iodice has since been building a stellar team around the Leonardo Render platform, filling the key positions with expertise from the worlds of technology, blockchain, animation, advertising, and architecture.

“CGI needs aren’t just isolated to animation and video games — they cut into a huge amount of the technological space we currently take for granted. Leonardo Render joins a profound technical need with blockchain in a uniquely exciting way.” — Marco Iodice, CEO

The Leonardo Render private sale is underway. For more information and to contact the team, join our Telegram at:

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