Leonardo Render Travels East

Leonardo Render
Leonardo Render
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2018

It has been two weeks of traveling throughout China for team Leonardo Render. CEO Marco Iodice along with other core members of the team have travelled to Wuhan, Changsha, Guangzhou, Chongqin, Wenzhou, and Ningbo, giving them a hands on immersion into Chinese culture and top of the line hospitality. Throughout their travels they have met with key members of two Movie Studios based in China, along with local partners from the D9 organization who will be representing Leonardo Render throughout China.

It is not often that Western companies travel to China in order to personally promote a product and the response has been fantastic. The crowds at the China and Europe Blockchain Technology Convention have been incredibly engaged and interested in what Leonardo is bringing to the table.

We are so grateful to the amazing hospitality that has been presented to us and the outward display of support that has been shown towards our project.

-Marco Iodice CEO of Leonardo Render

We are thrilled that after countless months of hard work we are incredibly close to launching our beta and the Chinese market is bubbling with anticipation. Find our information below to stay up to date on all the latest happenings at Leonardo Render.

The Leonardo Render private sale is underway. For more information and to contact the team, join our Telegram at: https://t.me/leonardorender

Or email: info@leonardorender.com

Also keep in touch on Twitter: @leonardorender

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