The MBA Developer?

Leo Soto
Leo’s Tech Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2012

Posted by Leo Soto on June 21st, 2012.

I’m currently doing an MBA. Yep, Master in Business Administration. Probably the last thing I would have thought I would study, but I love to be surprised by life. Long story short, I got a scholarship to do a Global MBA, which has the nice side effect of traveling literally around the globe to do half of the grade abroad, participate in an study tour and just do my own traveling in between. Oh, and I can get a little bit of business education that might or might not be useful. We’ll see.

To be honest, many parts of the MBA are extremely boring to me. Corporate stuff that really does not resonate with my values or with my experience, for example. But believe it or not, other courses are much more exciting and edifying. Such as a Negotiations course/workshop that I’m enjoying a lot. Or a Financial Statement Analysis subject taught by a great professor that forced me to understand accounting and financial stuff.

More crucially, there is a third category of courses that just seem interesting but I do not actually enjoy a lot. We’ll see if that can be fixed by trying to tie some of the content to what my passion really is: software development.

So I’m sorry if the content of this blogs gets a bit fluffy, but I’ll try to find how my current education might relate to our world of software development. I promise that I won’t bore you with silly oversimplified frameworks or that kind of senseless stuff I’m already tired of. I’ll just post insights, ideas and some times obvious associations just to keep my developer soul alive. And of course, it will be better than total silence.

Originally published at on June 21, 2012.

